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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Agreed. Proof reflected in those who have positive opinion of Trump and his Project 2025 ilk.
  2. Sure they did, reporting on the dozens of independent court cases filed by Trump supporters that determined the absence of fraud.
  3. PBS Newshour, broadcast in the USA last eve, talked about the attempted fraud, burning of ballots, false video of mail in ballots being destroyed. Gee, I do wonder which supporters are involved here? Fortunately, the election officials reiterated the checks and safeguards actively exposing these attempts to throw doubt into the American election process. My thanks to all our American poll/election workers who are diligently working as American citizens to keep our elections safe and secure (even while the right threatens them and their families from those who follow Trump's false claims of winning the 2020 election).
  4. My CapOne Card and Amex card do not charge international fees. You might want to "google" US cards without international fees.
  5. When the opposition is "hate speech" bullying others? yep. When the censoring is not reporting outright lies ... not continuing spreading the lies? Yep ...
  6. One might be surprised at the number of US registered political parties. Unfortunately, the historical mindset appears to be that only the two largest have the possibility of electing anyone. It is complicated but certainly the corruption by the need for campaign financing plays into the picture
  7. The American working middle class, upon whom any hope of a participatory democracy depends, has justified pent up frustration/anger (oh, I include myself here). I attribute this to the underlying documented economic squeeze occurring over the past decades up to the present. We have an unsustainable income/wealth gap exacerbating the issue. This is the result of the policies, actions/inactions of both major political parties. Compromise may be a necessity but when it results in the issues not being addressed ... well, here we are ... The average American citizen (again the working middle class), is frustrated to the point of being likened to clawing and fighting to get out of the wet paper bag. Which does point to an emotional reaction rather than using any critical thinking applied to the current situation. Trump has a well documented history demonstrating that he certainly is not the answer but ... but Trump is giving voice to the frustration/anger (thus a politically dangerous time as citizens, not thinking, turn to an authoritarian leaning leader to "get things done"). Does the average American citizen have the capability to comprehend this? Sadly, I must conclude I see a lack of evidence. OK, my two satang's worth ...
  8. Wrwest

    Too much rain?

    Now let's watch for the results of the solar maximum events resulting is screwing up the GPS and other electronic communications ... then the accusation that this too is being controlled by, "the enemies within".
  9. Retired on a sustainable $2400 a month %$1570 from SS). I cannot afford to live on that in USA (my own country). So on my 65K+ each month here in Thailand my Thai Wife and stepdaughter have a 3 bed, 2 bath house, 2 cars, motorbike and, as you say, live a working middle class retirement. If you have not done so I strongly urge a trip to the USA with your Thai Wife. Thais oft have a rosy picture of high salaries in the USA in comparison to Thailand without getting any appreciation of the cost of living there. We made a monthlong trip to the SE states in 2023 ... Atlanta, Disneyworld, St. Augustine, Cape Kennedy, Savannah, Charleston, Monticello, Williamsburg, Jamestown, Washington, DC (driving in monthlong rental car). Total - $19,000--- usd.
  10. And, along with dark chocolate, I am told, good for my heart!
  11. We agree on stopping illegal immigration ... a bipartisan Bill was resented, Trump killed it as he wanted to use this as a campaign issue. The USA is currently pumping oil at it highest rate under the Biden administration. Not starting wars? Right ... he stated that uses should be free to do as it wishes ... I do not view that as being in our interest. I also had issues with the Trump agreed to Afghanistan withdrawal (we might agree we should not have occupied ... I favored a devastating retribution for their allowing the 9/11 training camps but boots on the ground I opposed both there and in Iraq. Not knowledgable enough to weigh in on the TPP.
  12. Appreciate your take on things but wish to relate my own reality. May not change your take on things but may cause a broader outlook. Paperboy at age 13, went to college on parental help and student (US gov't guaranteed loans (also working for some income. Went into teaching in a US SE state (region lowest paying in the US). Good & rewarding career over 41 years and as a colleague once observed an outstanding resume (Ha! OK, he actually said, I looked good ... on paper). Earned tenure in the public school system (middle and high schools). The last 27 years teaching undergraduate American and European History. Earned each juried academic rank, retiring as an Emeritus Professor of History on a sustainable monthly budget of $2400 use ($1570 of that from earned Social Security). Doo keep in mind SS retirement benefit is determined by the salary you were paid over your working career - SE states, lower salary = lower SS. Oh, it was my choice to teach in the region and, from my background the students benefitted from having an educator from outside the region with international study experience. But the reality is I cannot afford an earned working middle class retirement in the USA and so, here I am in a lower cost country. You understand, I agree with you that the earned SS is to keep the elderly from starving on the streets, but even with earned retirement savings, there is no guarantee of a middle class retirement in many western countries and so ... here we are.
  13. While I confess to being glad to receive the USA Covid funds some time ago.
  14. Ah, yes ... my only experience resulted in paranoia also. may have been influenced by wanting to sit close to the pretty friend I was with and having her hold my hand. At any rate ... I'll stick with being an oenophilist.
  15. It does remind me of past days when alcohol sales were forbidden on Sunday. Also, where local counties (120 of them in Kentucky) decided whether they were "wet" or "dry". For "dry" counties you just went through the trouble of driving to the next "wet" county to stock up!. Oh, need I point out ... not Buddhist. The core teaching in either case was against using anything to dull you human senses. Ah, yes, I recall: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging and whosoever is there deceived is not wise". Personally, as I am not deceived, I do not apply the Biblical saying to myself. Ha!
  16. Being, "vertically challenged" I always took a window seat. Quite correct about when facing the window/seat gap. What I did was use a blow-up neck pillow (so no packing issue) to supplement the supplied pillow.
  17. By Kingdom of Thailand law, the majority of a buildings ownership is required to be owned by Thai citizens. So, foreign ownership must be kept at no more than 49%. Knowing this, and knowing of the relatively recent rush of Chinese, Russian, etc. condo purchases I would not suspect any discrimination other than that required by law.
  18. Verbal threats by bullies are enough for me to reject. "You guys"? Too broad of a brush. I do not claim "every word out of his mouth is a lie". The fact is well established that he is a documented prolific liar.
  19. Trump has proven he is a threat by directly ststing that we are in danger of being hurt if we supported Harris.
  20. Yes, "spellcheck" got me again and I was remiss in not proofing more closely. Humble apology. We agree on not preferring a WW III. Boils down to when and where we find an aggressive action needing a like response. We could reflect on Finland (they perceived a greater current threat from Russia under Putin and thus joined NATO (along with Sweden). The Baltic States have also voiced concern. I do think this might have been averted by a clearer communication with Russia. A misstep ... I would agree. The line crossed for me was an armed invasion.
  21. Very funny ... Democrats Abroad. More likely Trump and his ilk to denounce Mail-in ballots coming from foreign countries as a conspiracy to defeat him with Mail-in ballots.
  22. Agreed, Mike. As a Boomer, I confess that relationships here are like stepping back to a time we were very familiar with. Male expected to provide the financial security and the woman's place to take care of her man. I realize that I open myself up to attack as a rejection of the current relationships in the West ... our generation fought through those changing roles for better or worse, the field is scattered with the divorces/broken relationships. The cultural difference of not automatically assigning older males to the dustbin, the reality of the financial position of the bulk of Thai females ... well, there are many things in our favor to bring us to Thailand in retirement. Personally, I am a very happy camper.
  23. Preferably not Mr. Chamberland but the issue is not Ukraine, it is the unilateral decision to invade another sovereign nation.
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