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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. how is air in LA cleaner than Bangkok at the moment?
  2. They had the right to demonstrate peacefully
  3. How old are you. Most old people here who are 65 think they are still middle age
  4. What is an ocean, but a multitude of drops
  5. I once had to urinate while in a taxi going to the airport. The driver was a good sport and he found a vast open space to relieve myself. That was a close call and please don't paint all Thais with the same brush. They were just upset they were indian. They love us Farang
  6. I will be posting pictures of my amazing downtown Toronto condo.
  7. After this post 14 AseanNow members will go to revenue to beg to be taxed.
  8. You sound like one of those foreigners on the street, eagerly chatting with his newfound love, explaining himself with great effort, while she nods and smiles in approval, completely clueless about what you're saying.
  9. What services I receive from Thailand you epic bootlicker?
  10. I pay taxes in thailand without filing a tax return. It's called VAT and is used for everything you described above.
  11. Wow. It looks like I am safe from covid 800 days after being vaxxed
  12. Blood banks test for this. Not sure about Thailand
  13. And even if it was tainted what's the problem?
  14. And I will also pay zero because I will leave before my marriage extension.
  15. It's not taxes, it's paperwork that annoys me. I signed up for yearly visa extensions and 90 day reports which I don't do, just pay a fine. I did not sign up to do annual taxes to Thai government, bill or no tax bill.
  16. It is. It's not your country. You have zero rights and zero say. It all started with those retarded hippies complaining about 7/11 bags. Enjoy more paperwork for literally nothing. Fortunately what I think is happening is that all the woke wokensteins have actually moved out of Canada to spread their gospel. It might be a decent place to live now.
  17. I know already ... no need to announce my departure. Hear me out!!!! I was chatting with my friend from Serbia who came to visit, and she basically looked at me like I was an idiot and asked, "Why on earth are you declaring your Toronto condo rental to Canada?!" (And that was just the tip of the iceberg.) She was like, "Why bother filing taxes in Canada when you don’t even live there?!" It was a rapid-fire "Why this?" and "Why that?" like I had just invented a new form of self-sabotage. Then I realized I'm surrounded by the same woke individuals who are desperately scrambling to file a tax return here in Thailand out of all places. I hope Thailand implements 8 million baht retirement extension and 15 day report. You deserve it. I'm out and I'll be watching that door thanx in advance.
  18. You shouldn't have gone there. offshore or not, none of their business. You just got assessed a 300k baht tax invoice on the spot. You can zzz me all you want but it wasn't a smart move.
  19. and quit smoking while you can
  20. what's that proverb about fool and his money are easily parted?
  21. It seems like everyone thinks tariffs are coming except polymarket. Last time the crypto betting site was correct about Trump win, but this time it overwhelmingly bets on tariffs not being imposed.
  22. It's mostly just ugly. Ugly fat men with ugly paid companions. Thais guys date every day girls that look like supermodels in comparison.
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