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Everything posted by stoner

  1. rob had more than enough to eat at home ok...
  2. nice. can you check usher's account see if there is anything similar.
  3. you know how many calories are in a joint ? :)
  4. you can make just as much money shorting a stock. gains are gains in the end. annacot steel.
  5. get in line.... https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/04/politics/us-saudi-arabia-arms-sale/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/28/us/politics/congress-saudi-arabia-arms-sales.html https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-saudi-security/obama-administration-arms-sales-offers-to-saudi-top-115-billion-report-idUSKCN11D2JQ/ https://www.forumarmstrade.org/us-saudi-arms.html https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/05/hillary-clinton-foundation-state-arms-deals/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-administration-seeks-to-sell-more-arms-to-saudi-arabia-11590791868
  6. he is insisting that he isn't going anywhere. oh deja vu. he'll be gone soon enough.
  7. not a good look mr mayor...
  8. Unfortunately, some people are not so lucky as the rest of us. a few yes...even if off a little bit the numbers are staggering.
  9. good work. i don't see me having a 6er but i do stay fit and exercise. eat right and all that. stopped drinking many moons ago.
  10. How much water are you feeding.
  11. Hey how dare you tarnish the good clean family name of Thailand.
  12. If you nano emulsifier diamonds there would be no issue
  13. not really true anymore. check out nano emulsified edibles. not true anymore either.
  14. ya living the raw deal...
  15. don't tell diddy.
  16. check out a few of @SamuiGrower posts regarding vaping. with some great links to some studies etc. very informative.
  17. if someone heard this instead of reading it could be taken a totally different way.
  18. you got me. what's the fine officer. 200b off the books ?
  19. i will let you know when it happens.
  20. foreigner acts a fool in thailand = tarnish the great reputation bla bla bla thai guy acts a fool....... i love the taste don't you.
  21. the police - wrapped around your finger.
  22. don't laugh but i graduated high school only a few years before that....and i still wear the same size pants. :)
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