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Everything posted by stoner

  1. my heart skipped a beat there....for a moment i thought this said susanlea.
  2. delta 9 edibles suck....how much you being paid to promote for exhale well ? terrible advice. this is illegal.
  3. . i already answered with my first word. no.
  4. and the trolls that have made thousands of posts ? even 100s of thousands.
  5. no. there are long time members that post here just to stir the pot too. when do you make the distinction ? free speech or go home !!
  6. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
  7. if those people first reported to a regulated border point before trying to enter america then yes you are correct. if they did not report to a border point and crossed the border without going through a regulated crossing they have committed a crime. at that point any person who crosses the border not at a regulated port is in america illegally. seeking asylum or not. you live so close to the border. can you tell us the general area please. might help to understand the differences in where you are vs other border points in america that are experiencing a different story.
  8. I don't see anyone including you saying anything about it. Strange for people who claim to be so progressive. Oh well ill leave you all with that hypocrisy then.
  9. I do not. As stated my concern is the homophonic and derogatory language used by so called progressives. Do you think it's OK for people to use the word trannny as a derogatory statement.
  10. You sound like a child who's mommy won't buy them candy. Grow up and own it. You are homophonic and made a derogatory comment. Then went and doubled down on it. Brutal bias showing it's ugly head again here.
  11. Show me where I insult people for chosing a candatite. You are making stuff up.
  12. Who cares if he is in drag. It's calling someone *tranny* is the issue. But you knew that and went ahead with Your typical stupid gotcha questions. Try to keep up.
  13. a friend with weed is better...
  14. i get the dig you are trying to make as kid rock has publicly said he has a woody for trump. however.....he can play the drums piano and guitar. i would say politics and taste aside the guy has talent. nashville walk of fame - this is often given to those who suck and are talentless 7 times platinum album 26 million in record sales worldwide
  15. It even says right here in the story from Biden himself.
  16. america needs to look within to solve this problem. most of the drugs from the cartel go to america if i am right ? you have a conservative government possibly on its way in canada soon. wont work well with harris and some of the ideas.
  17. no i am not missing any point. a bait and switch happened. they even had you going right up to the end. or do you forget your steadfast support of bidens mental health leading up to his *surprise* departure. please also leave your imaginary friend out of the real world. thanks.
  18. it depends though. this changes quite often year over year. in 2021 it was canada. 2023 it was mexico.
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