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Everything posted by stoner

  1. akin to when people say that thai who live in resort areas are not real thai.
  2. remember that conspiracy theory a few months back that got debunked. you know the one where the big guy was tippy top mentally.
  3. Don't worry. Harris and Walz will be elected in November. uh oh. danderman making another bold claim. brings back memories of when you nailed it that biden would crush the 2nd debate.
  4. Point is John that not many people care enough anymore. They are on with life and realize that it's something that happened. Something that is still there but with minimal risk now. Looking at the entire covid forum the vast majority of all threads are only you. Speaks volumes to me about the importance the average person puts in it now.
  5. Or they realize that covid is not what it once was and are now concentrating on more important things. Even medical staff were not wearing any masks at the hospital today.
  6. I find a fleshlight yields much better results.
  7. If covid is making a worrying comeback my local hospital must of missed the memo. From today August 24. 2024. Canadian hospital sign.
  8. Your comment is the answer I am speaking of. Try to keep up. Maybe I should of said reply. But answer and reply have the same general meaning. so I thought it wouldn't be too hard for you to put 2 and 2 together. My mistake. I was wrong.
  9. Your reply is pointless to that comment. Most of the gains and jobs etc had nothing to do with Biden or his policies. It was the result of lifting all the pandemic restrictions.
  10. The earth's population has added a few billion over the last couple decades. Thats my guess as to what's so wrong now. The system cannot cope with the sheer volume. It's the same concept as drug importation. the efforts to stop drugs is laughable. A pointless endeavour.
  11. Those in control know it's not working and yet it goes on. It's all about the rich I totally agree. Look at all that money coming into politics to elect a president. It's disgusting.
  12. yes clearly the system is fine. go back to blaming.
  13. Ps....the Starfish doesn't even know it exists.
  14. i absolutely doubt it. we are but a spec in time. not even worth talking about for another 50 million years i would say. did you know that 99 percent or more of the species that have ever existed are extinct..... and we had little or nothing to do with it. but keep blabbling on about socialism and owning nothing.
  15. wrong. how do you live with such self hatred ? a lifetime of selling out. now trying to make up for it with extreme thinking.
  16. this is good advice.
  17. BOTH sides are guilty here. quit squabbling over stupid.... well our guy only lost so many kids bla bla bla. i tried to explain this before in regards to drugs and how it's simply impossible to really stem any kind of flow of illegal imports. now you have the same concept but with HUMANS. with such large scale numbers of people it's overloading what limited resources and staff that are available to handle what's really happening. scary stuff. any suggestions of a real solution with only be met with vile comments. our system is totally broken and we are all watching it spiral out of control. forget things like climate change or wars. we cant even take care of children. grow up homo stupidian.
  18. i do. i find it one of the most blatant hypocrisies. in an age of science and technology we should want better.....alas the innate fight of my team vs your team still rules the day.
  19. I get it.... your girls different.
  20. You're right. Maybe the dog was stressed over bill payments and a nagging wife.
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