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Everything posted by stoner

  1. why are you slandering our dear leaders haircut. it is the most popular in all our land. growing up young boys look to kim for style and grace. this is true of all koreans. we love our dear leader.
  2. please come. you are more than welcome.
  3. propaganda. we here in NK welcome all to visit our beautiful and bountiful country.
  4. what is a man if he acts like an ape ?
  5. time keeps on running this never ending race.
  6. your point ?
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 73 seconds  
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 10/100 My Time 116 seconds  
  9. johnny was such a hard man...
  10. This only happened in your mind. https://factcheck.afp.com/misleading-claim-says-harris-jailed-1500-black-men-marijuana however it should be noted that kamala harris did in fact lock up over 1900 people for cannabis. not just black men but people of all colors and genders. kamala on charlamagne show laughing about her cannabis use.
  11. what ? anutin is one of the boys. where you been.
  12. my boy the shot caller. keep throwing your weight around. go anutin go !!
  13. the odds are quite good. look at how many times people find 100's of thousands of baht and gold in the back of taxi cabs in thailand.
  14. PM the person in the post above yours... good idea :)
  15. yocan kodo. the carts i found are a company called endgame here in canada. liquid diamonds carts with no cutting agent. fake terps but i will make that sacrifice for the non dilution.
  16. that's a cool story bro.
  17. we welcome you to NK. i was not paid to say that. honestly.
  18. He'll let you know after he checks her pockets.
  19. There is p2p going on in that industry. I have to say that the quality of products here is not great. Quite disappointed. The reserve stores have been best so far for price and quality. Although I have finally found a quality vape pen. One of the first ever that I will smoke personally.
  20. Guantanamo remained open throughout both democrat and republican terms.
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