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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. WHAT? It has the highest budget, the most swill in the trough, they'd all like to get their snouts in that trough!!!
  2. Donald Trump Claims................that's enough for me. The late Queen was smart enough to know this grifter is no good! Even her Corgi's avoided him so it's rumored!
  3. Only a totally stupid America could have the slightest inclination to re instate this lying fool! Come on America, show us if the majority is that stupid!
  4. Don't EVER forget the guns!!!!!!! Americans kill Americans!
  5. Do some research on where the most mass gun shooting occurs! Just who owns the most guns! Yee Hawwww!
  6. Of course things change! How many govt's have there been in the past 20 years???
  7. Always......SAFETY FIRST!
  8. What are you whinging and whining about now???
  9. Hang in there Bob, don't listen to the wannabe's!
  10. Well done GG, less than 35 words! I'm astounded!
  11. I don't really give a $#!t how tall this Cruise fellow claims to be! I really don't care how cute he is!
  12. SO what, no one cares! 🙄Would you like advice on where to go???
  13. I was asking for a friend! If you read the OP, I said I have no problem making decisions! How often do you break out the Rolex, Bob?
  14. Man! You are sooo cool!
  15. Thanks, but I am quite capable of making my own decisions! That's seems a bit unusual here where so many cannot think for themselves! What color pickup should I buy? Why is my dog barking all night? Should I buy a Honda Scoopy or a Wave? Will it be raining in the middle of September? Do you think Trump will be shot grazed again? Where can I find the cheapest box of matches in Pattaya?
  16. Would others be able to afford it?
  17. Please let us know your favored deodorant then we can all smell like YOU! 🙄
  18. The insurgency has been active for generations! Of course the Chinese play the long game!
  19. Damn! Now the sandpit is full of tea leaves!
  20. Who is Tom Cruise??? Does he do anything useful??? Does he get fairly paid for what he does???
  21. Does your mother still change you daiper???? Do you ever think for yourself???
  22. Four children acting as grownups!!! Shame they have no role model to follow!
  23. Facewhat? What's Facebook???
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