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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. How old do you think he is?🤔
  2. If more dog owners took some more responsibility for their beloved pets, less of these disgusting actions would occur!
  3. Someone will be out of pocket a few baht after this fiasco! and......I guess some will benefit in due course!
  4. Why not make bar fines 6-700 baht a throw! Wind the mongers up!😏
  5. Wow! How much do you give her each month???
  6. The greatest disgrace in the USA is one Donald Trump! Too bad there are so many morons that follow him!
  7. Accurate pointing! Well done! With that smile she gets 10 / 10 from me!
  8. It actually means "Ha Ha suckers, it's our turn at the trough again for the foreseeable future!" Thanks
  9. I can hear those tanks warming up in Lopburi!
  10. I reckon that's his problem!
  11. I'd say Tuckerrr must be in the top 5 dorks of all time!
  12. Well that's it, I'm wearing my Luang Pu Thuat from now on!
  13. Only 10 years to reach this conclusion? Well done.........so astute and on the ball!
  14. I hope Daeng, Noi and their working girl friends feature in this pristine image campaign!
  15. That explanation sounds very much like another running candidate, I'm sure they laugh at just how gullible some voters are as they count the electoral donations! Donald Trump for President????? OMG...... how much more backward can you get!
  16. I'd be packing up and out of there ASAP........unless.........you signed a contract? 🤔
  17. Thaksin doesn't seem to appear in the photo? Maybe he took it!
  18. How could that possibly happen, the image will take a hit if she's deposed!!!
  19. Ignore list!....what rubbish! Keep your enemies in sight!
  20. Frankly, I couldn't give a rats toss!
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