Yes, winning too can have its price, ask Peta! May the Shins cop a similar fate, I'm sure there are a few Generals in the wings that would like a more prominent position at the trough!
I want this much....
No! I want more than that
Ha, I ve Already got my sling
Should have waited, we''re trying to drive up the cost as we speak...............
You are NOT married! A marriage has to be registered and certified at the local amphur! She is stringing you out for money and you've fallen for it like a mug! How could you be so naive???
There should be many signs strategically place that say "Local boys, Grow a pair"! Do you think every tourist is aware of your strange cultural practices???
Vote? What is this vote thing? I seem to recall a recent vote where the winner got a 10 year ban from politics, now that's not a very fair prize, is it???