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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Is the man superhuman, they've trying to deal with this ongoing debacle for 50 years! Best of luck Poramas!
  2. Yeah............but where's the money???
  3. Oh well, Donald Trump pretends to be smart. Here's to all the Great Pretenders!!!
  4. I reckon you may see this pipe dream eventuate within the 35 years!
  5. Part Indian, is that too hard to comprehend???
  6. Cops topping cops, at least no civilians where injured in this farce!
  7. Yes, winning too can have its price, ask Peta! May the Shins cop a similar fate, I'm sure there are a few Generals in the wings that would like a more prominent position at the trough!
  8. This to me is stupidity! Who in their right mind would give that much access to his money??? Married or not, the breadwinner holds the bread!!!
  9. I want this much.... No! I want more than that Ha, I ve Already got my sling Should have waited, we''re trying to drive up the cost as we speak...............
  10. ....and guess what!!!! Many are married and have lived here for decades, big deal. Is this clay or something else, sk ???
  11. So why does a rookie like you need to post here???
  12. They are almost as bad as the clowns who repeat the same BS on this platform! Now go and kick a sleeping dog!!!
  13. Her hands seem forever to be in this position, how does she eat???
  14. The insurgency will rectify that in time!
  15. Trump is not even good at what he does most...............................Bulls#!t!
  16. Never less than a thousand, James, or they'll call you names behind your back!
  17. Control of the trough is all that matters!
  18. You are NOT married! A marriage has to be registered and certified at the local amphur! She is stringing you out for money and you've fallen for it like a mug! How could you be so naive???
  19. There should be many signs strategically place that say "Local boys, Grow a pair"! Do you think every tourist is aware of your strange cultural practices???
  20. Vote? What is this vote thing? I seem to recall a recent vote where the winner got a 10 year ban from politics, now that's not a very fair prize, is it???
  21. Someone obviously imports this Chinese rubbish or do they just swim here!!! Lift your game and lower your prices Thailand, it's call competition!!!
  22. If ever proof was needed that these guys are a bunch of mummy boy wimps, nothing will!
  23. who won the bout??? Thailand or India???
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