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Everything posted by dhupverg

  1. I haven't purchased anything from this group, but look for "EazyWeed" on line. He's got videos of Colt45, kush mint and wedding cake for 280 gram.
  2. The bottom line beef is no one can show me an invoice except the original seller. If the duty is 10% +7% as stated above, then someone just lined their pockets. I really don't care about the missing $20 or so, but I would like to know who ended up pocketing the money and why there was no invoice from anyone except the original seller for $105. Everyone just pointed fingers at someone else in the chain with no accountability.
  3. I bought a sporting goods product off of Amazon for $105 including shipping. Amazon added a "deposit for customs fee" of $45. So far so good, no worries. The product was delivered 2 weeks ago and I did not see any refund nor any accounting of the import fee in Amazon. I talked to a clueless rep and finally he gave in and said " all of the fee was used" When I asked him where I can see these details, he tells me I need to check with the shipper. So I get on the phone with DHL Thailand and they say they do not do anything with tax collection and have no idea of the import fees. They then give a name of a random generic company and say to contact them. Of course DHL gave no contact info for this random generic name company which I guess has their hand out for "customs clearance" So it seems the $45 in fees ( amounting to over 40%) of product and shipping has disappeared into the ether with no company taking any responsibility as to how much the actual duties were ( I believe it should be 20% + 7%), nor was there any receipt anywhere. I had thought that DHL UPS etc. normally handle customs collection. In the past, when I purchased off of Amazon for similiar products, I always ended up getting a refund from Amazon as they tend to overvalue the duties and customs.
  4. How about a degoogled phone? https://privatephoneshop.com Rob Braxman also has a line of degoogled phones. https://brax.me/prod/host.php?f=_store&h=rob&p=&version
  5. I found this pretty interesting in that you can go to any country and find the radio stations there and listen in. The visual format is in a google earth type presentation, http://radio.garden
  6. The only issue with this is the yield is very small. Out of 4 plants, the biggest yield was 33 grams wet, now it's 10 grams after drying. Better than nothing though.
  7. Maybe they should follow the lead of the Scando countries and halt these for those under 18.
  8. I've got to give this poster a 10/10 for being creative with the username and a pitch to products that are more expensive than what can be found on line/facebook etc. for top shelf.
  9. I just took a look at a couple flowers, and overnight it looks like a plant that recently turned hermaphrodite invaded these two, so I pulled them a bit early. I'm not happy about the hermy as I thought I had pinched all the male bits off. Live and learn. These two came in at 33 and 18 grams wet.
  10. Has anyone had success growing outdoors with something besides Thai sativa strains? I bought some seeds from a shoppee seller a couple months ago and the plants ended up budding after 3 weeks of growing. I also bought some Bruce Banner seeds and they seem to be doing OK, but after a couple months they are maybe 90 cm high. Any strains or seed bank recommendations for an outdoor warm humid climate?
  11. "Disinformation is not new. Examples of disinformation and so-called fake news campaigns are plentiful. But with increasing fears about the cost of living – exacerbated by the pandemic and the energy crisis – it is now more critical than ever to tackle disinformation head-on."
  12. Pretty much every politician over the age of 60 is entrenched and is happy to be collecting a nice salary with perks and a big pension. Biden, Pelosi, McConnel, Schumer they all need to go. The world needs younger blood who is up on technology and how technology is affecting the whole yarn being spun depending on what message is wanting to be pushed out. Watching some of the old politicians asking younger tech execs questions during hearings is just laughable.
  13. That's too bad, sorry to hear this. How long was the actual wait time for your appointment? Was it two days like the website says, or was it a few weeks?
  14. How much was the HA series of injections there? I am looking at possibly getting an HA series of injections if it would help bone on bone.
  15. I see a seller on line just posted this in case anyone wants to spend a bit more for what should be good quality.
  16. Excellent and thanks for posting in this thread. I'm sure many of us welcome your feedback on the various purchases and sellers along with links to the good products.
  17. Yes, there are quite a few elderly paragliders in Phuket enjoying their time doing what they like. Most are quite experienced and know the risks.
  18. "Four health organizations, working closely together, spent almost $10 billion on responding to Covid across the world. But they lacked the scrutiny of governments, and fell short of their own goals, a POLITICO and WELT investigation found." This is a very good piece about how the covid response was handled. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/14/global-covid-pandemic-response-bill-gates-partners-00053969
  19. I must be out of the loop, I have no idea what those white diamonds are.
  20. I've got to say the unicorn poop is great. My wife loves the smell of it as it makes the room smell fresh, which is a bonus to have the wife give the thumbs up.
  21. Just finished Big Boss, 21st century crime and it has some Thailand elements in it. There was even a long thread in Thaivisa about the arrest of one of the perps. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12437670/ https://aseannow.com/topic/670486-phuket-police-arrest-us-drugs-fugitive/
  22. Here's an example of herbs being rebranded/renamed. This is supposedly gorilla glue. Looks like the brown frown to me.
  23. I wonder if some of these guys buy from a bunch of different guys a little at a time and mark it up. This could easily explain the difference as their suppliers have different strains. One other thing could be that there is a surplus of CBD from the earlier medical growings, so why not offload it as various strains.
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