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Everything posted by MicroB

  1. Trumpf read about a version of this plan before, attempted by his people. Its was called Madagaskarplan. Following pogroms in Russia, Zionist groups seriously debated the plan to resettle Russian Jews in Africa, but they rejected this as unworkable; I suppose some of Trumpf acolytes/apologists would applaud this and call it out of the box thinking. By the 30s, British fascists picked up on this. At the time, there was a march of fascism across Europe, and various governments developed plans to resettle Jewish people in Africa. The Nazis developed a policy of increasing violence and discrmination to encourage Jews to self-deport. In 1940, the Nazis cooked up an idea to deport all Jews to Madagascar. With the fall of France and the United Kingdom, the Germans would "persuade" France to give up Madagascar. They would then requisition the entire British Merchant Navy to conduct deportations. The whole operation would be financed through seized Jewish assets. At one point, the plans were so well advanced, that Hans Frank paused work on creating a Warsaw Ghetto. But as said, it wasn't just the Germans thinking like this. World Jewish Relife has provided excerpts from Hansard, about debate in the British Partliament, between mainstream polititicians about resettlemen t of German Jews https://www.worldjewishrelief.org/blog/2018/11/21/speeches-from-parliament-that-led-to-the-kindertransport/ The language used is fascinating. Its all about long term resettlement of Jews, as if that was the solution to Nazis going around beating them up, with one MP even asking if Germany had been asked if they could help out in the resettlement to various desolate parts of Africa and South America. Obviously there are many many flaws in Trumpf's obnoxious and stupid plan. A major problem is Hamas and all the other armed groups/militias/terrorists. I can't see them willingly marching out to take their spots in some tented city in Sinai. Even if they did, I suspect Egypt would not let them retain their side arms. And in the last few days, they have resumed their displays of armed force. So what to do with them. 2.5 years of aerial bombardments has not diminished their numbers, nor their resolve. Field Marshall Wavell observed that "all battles and all wars are won in the end by the infantryman". Someone will have to occupy the ground, and will need to clear probably a fanatical resistance that has little lose. Estimates vary, but most give Hamas; strength as being about 25,000 left, I suppose best described as light infantrymen. While they may lack access to heavy munitions, they have the advantage of knowing the lay of the land. The IDF reports the area is extensively mined with communication tunnels and reinforced C&C bunkers. The IDF has about 170,000 activated troops, and about 300,000 reservists. Currently the IDF has 3 divisions in Gaza, and 4 divisions in Lebonan/Golan Heights. They have ongoing operations againt Hezbollah remnants still, there is uncertaintly about the stability and intentions of the new Syrian government. The Syrian Army, constituting the former regime army that has pledged loyalty to the incoming government, plus the numerous previously anti-government militias, remain a formidable fighting force. The Lebanese Army is largely US equipped, and is of significance. Israel cannot afford to weaken its Northern Command, and it has to allow for troop rotations. Without mobilising the Reserve, the IDF has a float of about 3 divisions, based on Israeli concepts of a reinforced division. Conventional doctrine says a 3:1 ration, at least, is needed to take land. Defenders facing a 6:1 disadvantage can likely succeed in a holding action. Israel would need to commit at least 2 extra divisions to Gaza if it expects to clear the ground for Trumps stupid idea. Leaving 1 division as a roving reserve. Unless it mobilises the reserves, it doesn't have enough troops. I don't sense there is much enthusiasm for more Israeli blood to be expended to support what would be essentially an American Protectorate. There isn't enough IDF troops, without jeopardizing the safety of Israel. Israel still faces nominally unfriendly forces in Egypt and Jordan, that its obligated to defend against. And this is based on a conservative estimate; if there was an evacuation of Gazans, expect Hamas could swell its ranks by 2x, through bringing other groups under a unified command, and through increased recruitment. Edward De Bono, in his lateral thinking, proposed hsi solution, which Israeli partially tried. He said give Hamas $3 billion a year, which is reduced based on every rocket hitting Israel. For at least 5 years, Israel channeled about $15m of Qatari money a year for at least 5 years, probably more. This was supposedly to pay Hamas's wages., with no provision for reduction in the case of attack. The reason De Bono suggested a much larger amount was not based on any calculation what Gaza needed, but what sort of number is needed to transcend nationalistic urges; everyone can be brought.. Hamas really did need money to support public services. It needed a modicum of support on the street to claim legitimacy compared to the PLO and the numerous new militias emerging. The Qatari money probably covered that. $3bn into the pockets of some ex-jailbirds might have motivated them. Of course, some consider De Bono to be a charlatan.
  2. I suspect those who constantly express a fear of transgenders in the ladies toilet are the sort when, in the public gents, when faced with a female toilet attendant, either flee in terror, or consider it an excuse to masturbate. She's in a skirt, right, so therefore its a sexual situation whenever an man and a woman are near each other. This is the Mike Penceway of thinking (he would not be in the presence of a woman unless his wife was present, presumably because he felt he could not suppress his lust). They think when the ladies go to the bathroom in groups, they end up staring at each other's vulvas in the same way this mob associate a trip to the gents with a willy waving spectacle. I'd go with the theory that they are displaying suppressed homosexuality, in the same way a young JD Vance was told by his grandmother to go have sex with a man. They are probably intrigued by that transgender-female porn, when the transgender bloke with tits tries to have sex with a female. Its comedic, because usually his todger ain't working, on account of the hormones etc.
  3. The irony is the Trumpf felt it was perfectly ok for a middle aged man to walk into a changing room of semi-naked beauty contestants. This wasn't some wicked allegaton going aroun d to besmirch him, but he bragged about it on the Howard Stern show.
  4. Well, its not exactly new. Like the F16, its basically a 1980s airframe. Probably good enough.
  5. And you are a fool for believing the Putin cares one iota for the Russian people. So when are you volunteering?
  6. Communist Apologist.
  7. Its the very opposite of "think". What comes to mind is impulsiveness, reactionary. "Thinking out of the Box" is frequently something panic'd companies do when they turn in desperation to consultants to no avail. Thinking out of the box, creative thinking, lateral thinking is much more than spit balling. Take Greenland. Trump wants Greenland. He doesn't want China to have Greenland (even supposing that is actually possible). His thinking "out of the box" is either bombing the hell out of Denmark (it will cost money), or sanctions (a trade war with an EU member state, sparking a trade war with the EU; even Trump acknowledges a small trade war withn a country of less than 50 million (Canada) will hit Americans in the pocket). Neither approach smacks of "thinking out of the box". They seem straight out of the Expansionist Dictator/Imperialist playbook. So he's following utter convention, albeit with a stupid idea. So he selectively thinks out of the box?
  8. Not crazy. Someone needs to start an indice or tracker for policy backtracking/reversal (not following an election), for any country. Its a good measure of political stupidity. Putin invades Ukraine, Putin pulls out of Ukraine, proof the invasion was stupid. Chagos Islands to Mauritius; UK (likely) policy reversal; proof the policy was stupid. Tariffs on Canada/Mexico (and questioning who was the idiot who signed USMCA....), reversal, proof the policy was stupid. Blindly firing civil servants, then scrambling to bring them back when the bits of government that need people stop working. Stupid policy. Rzenaming the Gulf Mexico. Stupid. Firing 5000 FBI agents for doing their jobs. Stupid when it blindsides you to the next 911. Giving the logins for every US employee, past and present, to someone 12 months out of high school. Stupid when they find out [a] He hits delete by mistake [b] he flogs the details. Allowing a Billionaire who wants to be a Trillionaire, largely because of sucking off the teat of government, by further sucking off the teat of government. Stupid. etc etc But after 4 years, nothing will actually get done that is truely constructive. Sure, there will be smoking ruins of institutions of government (education, healthcare, social security, foreign service, crime prevention, immigration, defence), and some people might cheer that. But Trump is a lazy barsteward. He was lazy last time, and second time around, he will be even lazier, because with age, comes the need for that afternoon siesta.
  9. Its always interesting looking at the map of signatures (these petitions never get anywhere; the petition against VAT on school fees went well past 100,000, to elicit just a standard government reply about no money, tax breaks for schools, breakfsst clubs, 1 more teacher per school etc. This one will likely get more of the same; £22 billion (allegedly) black hole, Tories, no money, broken public services etc. Looks like most of Northern Ireland doesn't really care. Not surprisingly, again, Northern Ireland didn't really care. 3 million plus signatures obviously did not elicit a General Election.
  10. I believe the walkback has been walked back. I suspect Rubio will be the first to leave the cabinet. First with the tarrifs, he was saying it was just a business tactic, nothing to worry about. Then Trump looked bad by appearing to cave in to mighty Canada and Mexico. Trump doubled down today on Gaza, after Rubio appeared to back off on claims. As one commentator noted, when Trump announced this lunatic plan, he was reading from a prepared speech. Some other lunatic, or room of lunatics, cooked up this idea. The next issue for Rubio will be US development aid. USAID hasn't exactly been shut down; its moved under the Department of State. Rubio believes in international aid, to further the aims of the American government, which is not the same as "no aid". Therein is the conflict. When will he flounce, given he might be eyeing up 2028. A Gaza evacuation won't actually happen. The IDF can't make it happen. What are they going to do? Burn the Gazans out? There is nothing left to burn. There will be a lot of churn in the next few years. Chaos. Plenty of things will get undone, because its easy to undo. Gettng constructive things done? Nah. Trump 1.0 never commissioned a single construction project, not a single road, bridge. Allies, either current, former, soon to former, erstwhile, will be looking at this, and think, he'll be dead any day, and none of this will count. But its an opportunity to take advantage of America. If you are going to take advantage of America, counter intuitively, now is the time, with the kids running it. Stupidity will be a running theme
  11. His goose is cooked in Thailand. Elsewhere, its made clear he had "retired" 2 years ago. But 12 months ago, the BBC World Service doorstepped him leaving work. Thailand revoked his visa, he then failed to file an appeal.
  12. Some background in a documentary The combination of no identification and that the body had been moved changed it from unexplained death to suspicious death.
  13. Communist Apologist, It was his apparent concern for the hostages that made him authorise the recent transfer of arms to Israel, using someone else's money.
  14. Well, what is notable is there are still hostages missing, live and dead. Trump is already talking about redevelopment of the land. Wonder why that is. He doesn't care about the hostages.
  15. What you state is demonstrably a fib. It only exists in your head. As a Briton, I think about the London Blitz. But I still feel sorry for the people that perished in the Hamberg Firestorm and others.
  16. While the land might be uninhabitable, there are Gazans who have legal title to the land, evidenced through Deeds. That ownership should be recognised, and land owners compensated o No redevelopment of the land until ownership issuen an individual basis. Given that the likely buyers would be Israeli property developers, I would suggest valuation based on utility as farm land, based on Israeli land prices. Much of thancien régimee Gazan strip was used for horticulture. The Nazis might have run Germany, and indeed might have had significant support when balloted, but that did not entitle the Occupying Forces to arbitrarily seize property. Certainly the Bonn government was obliged to provide restitution in the cases of property that was seized during WW2 by the ancien regime. Israel ratified the Geneva Conventions on July 6, 1951. Israel claims the Geneva Convention does not apply to operations in Gaza, as it is not sovereign territory. Others beg to differ. Mr Trumpf might agreewith Israel, until he realises what that means. Protocol V describes the Protocol on the Explosive Remnants of War. Basically it discusses what do you do with the battlefield afterwards. Who is responsible for demining territory they control. https://geneva-s3.unoda.org/static-unoda-site/pages/templates/the-convention-on-certain-conventional-weapons/Protocol%2Bon%2BExplosive%2BRemnants%2Bof%2BWar.pdf If Israel claims its a bit of Israel, then it has no obligation to demine it. It can leave it as wasteland, left to the dogs. If Trumpf pushes Article V, he can force Israel to pick up the tab for deminng rather than expecting the American taxpayer to pay for it. Israel has droped about 90-95,000 tons of munitions over a 360 square km area of land, give or take, about 260 tons per square km. Trumpf thought it would take a 2-5 years to demine the area. This is where is lack of experience in uniform becomes apparent. He is apparently unaware of the scale fo Allied bombing sorties over Germany during WW2. Berlin, a city of about 900 suare kms, received about 67,000 tons of British and American bombs. And these weren't the smart or precision bombs supposedly used on Gaza. About 15% of bombs never exploded, and that's probably still the case. 80 years on, they are still finding live bombs in the city. I'm not sure the Israelis and Trumpf have thought this through. They have salted the earth for 3 generations, and now they own the farm. I would suggest US taxpayers forcefully remind their representatives that the US budget is in deficit, and while 30% of US civil servants are set to lose their jobs, it would be an unwise act to send taxpayer money to a foreign state to decontaminate land that they contaminated. Its a cost that sould be picked up by Israeli government, and by extension, the Israeli taxpayer. 80 years, Germany spends abotu $10m per year on bomb disposal.
  17. Mr Trumpf stated "other places. You could have more than two......I think we need another location. I think it should be a location that’s going to make people happy,,,,, If we can get a beautiful area to resettle people permanently" So he's volunteering to resettle Gazans in the United States of America if they want to come? There is precedent. FDR convened the Evian Conference in 1938 to discuss resettlement of Jews from Germany. I'm sure he will agree that America is a beautiful country with lots of spare space. Even more so as he is deporting so many.
  18. Didn't the Mexican President do this not long ago, but no tariff nonsense. https://cyprus-mail.com/2021/04/12/mexico-has-10000-troops-in-south-to-stem-migration-white-house-says And the Canadian plans were largely what had already been agreed in November. I thought in 2017 Trumpf put his top man in solving the US opiod risis, Jared Kushner. I kind of assumed Trumf had succeeded in fixing it in short order, followng his election promises. So I am puzzled why he's still talking about it.
  19. You were asked are you aware of attacks. You replied implying they are all lies. Is that the same response when asked about victims of rape "I am aware of them lying about it"? Scumbag reply when there are murders like this: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/dec/20/brianna-ghey-found-guilty-murder Whole collection of events you consider to be nothing but lies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_killed_for_being_transgender
  20. Good singer, cracking songs. I like singers who sing with their natural, unabashed voice. As for Wizard books written by a one hit wonder on the Dole; never read them, never will. Asked my teenage nephew what he thought of Harry Potter; zero interest in them and the films, as do all his mates, demonstrating she is no Charles Dickens (irony).n I don't care at all about the opinions of kids book writers, pop singers and comedians. Why should you? Maybe they should run for office.
  21. Lamduan had 5 sisters. So I doubt she will be on her own.
  22. The UK police issued an Interpol Bue Notice. Quite clever. No need for an extradition. Armitage would have had no choice, as n o country would want his with that hanging around.
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