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Everything posted by MicroB

  1. You said: I'm not even a Labour supporter (card carrying Tory all my voting life), and I know that's wrong. You can rattle loads off: John Prescott; Merchant Navy steward Dennis Skinner; coal miner George Galloway; worked in the Michelin tyre factory Alan Johnson; Postie Angela Rayner; Care Worker Roy Hattersley; Stel worker Eric Varley; Iron works Eric Heffer; Joiner Tony Banks; clerk Bob Cryer; school teacher James Callaghan; Inland Revenue Clerk Betty Boothroyd; secretary Donald Dewar; Sales manager John Reid; builder, oil owrker, door to door insurance salesman Not forgetting those MPs from very modest backgrounds such as John McConnell, Neil Kinnock, Claire Short, Frank Field
  2. Opinionated Russian lady. I hope they leave her alone.
  3. Russian economist analyses demise of the Russian economy. Predicts increased internal conflict as issues mounts. Return of Non-Payment in the economy.
  4. Use of the term "the Ukraine" as opposed to "Ukraine" indicates a preference for Soviet era languag, and not accepting the right of Ukraine to existance as a sovereign, independent state. In the modern era, its accepted that this language is used by Russophiles. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-18233844 Can Ukraine exist without American largesse? Of course it can. The Russians cannot snuff out an idea. When the Nazis occupied Western and Eastern Europe, those countries still existed even when, in same cases, the Nazis tried to wipe out the very existance of those nations. I assume you are SWiss. You lot happily profited from the Nazis. Without US support, the job is harder against the orcs from the East. The US provides about 60% by value of mikitary hardware.. But remember, Russia has run down its stocks; its gone through 10,000 MBTs for instance, and its not getting replacements in any significant numberd. Ukraine has managed to grow its fleet, initially through Russia reluctantly supplying some, and latterly, Western replacements. Russia has burnt through its best kit. The Ukrainian forces though have upgraded. Russia sti needs a 3-1 advantage to advance. Russia can only win (the total occupation of Ukraine) through a dramatic change of tactics, such as tactical nuclear weapons. But that would of course be a hollow victory,
  5. Its possibles the "Ukrainian" had entered Thailand on a Ukrainian passport, and is from the Donbass. He's been in Thailand over 2.5 years. In that time, Luhansk and Donetsk, and the inhabitants became Russian. He might be one of the turncoats. Lipes is a Yiddish name.
  6. Historically not true https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263111851_Reflections_on_the_2005_General_Election_Some_Speculations_on_How_The_Conservatives_Can_Win_Next_Time Broadly, the public sector vote mirrors the general public. I doubt the splits have changed all that much. Some factors complicate the consideration. Some parts of the public sector have above average non-British participation. For instance, 20% in the NHS are not UK citizens, But in other areas, its basically zero due to SC restrictions. Some US studies indicate public sector workers are more likely to vote that private sector workers
  7. Racists and bigots aren't just attracted to Reform. But Reform attracts its fair share. Bit like Islam. As religions go, Islam is ok, much the same as the rest, with ideas of heaven and hell. But it has a way of attracting mostly young men with a screw loose to go and blow themselves up. In the minds of the racists and bigots, Reform legitimizes their views. Thats not to say the leaders of Reform are racists and bigots, but they don't mind whipping them up. Reform is basically a personality cult. Farage is guaranteed to flounce, like he always does; remember, he ran as a Tory then switched to the Green Party. Tice isn't exactly attractive or charismatic for that Working class vote then need, Anderson comes over as very unlikeable. Plus he supported Scargill, and we don't forget that Traitor.
  8. Vance is a big investor in fetal stem cell research, so I will guess you will welcome his stealthy sudden reversal of Trump's abortion policy. Thats where fetal stem cells come from. He'll also come out as a secret Hindu when he needs to take the oath. Musk is not allowed to run as Vice President.
  9. He'll remember his Bernard Manning jokes next.
  10. So you are about 100 years old and making things up. Or you are 20 something and making things up. For 5 out of 10 years in the 70s it was Tories, so your Google-Fu fails as you create an imagined past to make a forum post. If you are 100 years old, its forgiveable that you confused the 2 year Wilson served, before resignation, likely due to early onset AD, and Callahagn. 1973 was the really terrible year, and was the main reason Heath couldn't form a majority government in 1974. Wilson's premiership was marked by the EC Referendum, securing a majority in a snap election. Heath had cut the top rate f tax, which Wilson partially reversed. The disaster of the 1970s was fueled by the Tories response to the oil crisis to increase inflation to double digits, to boost growth. A mess all round. The Starmer government is only the second Labour government since 1979 (counting Blair/Brown as one) And we British never refer to ourselves as "guy", so I don't think you are even British. If you were a "young man" when Wilson was relected in 1974, that you make you about 75-80 now, an old man, born about 1950-55. The Labour front bench was packed full of full of your working class heroes, such as Two Jags Prescott, Derek Skinner. There was a lot of "Old Labour" then. You must have missed the whole Derek Hatton saga, unless you view Hatton as a hero. The decline in Working Class representation occurred after 1998. Its a lie to suggest that before 1998 there were no working class Labour MPs. Hence, you are really under 30, or you have a deficient memory.
  11. That's what the Communists want you to believe, to make you resent your own government. Its a lie that you have been fed by people who want to destroy the United States and its principles. Per head, US citizens provided $211 in international aid. The EU provides a larger sum in totality, compared to the US, about 40% of all aid, about $218 per EU citizen Here's the thing. The US is complaining about increased Chinese influence. Currently, China only provides about $5 billion in aid. The result of this cut in international aid is for China to increase its aid and influence. The US is being sabotaged from within by Communists. Trump will probably do his nut when he finds out the Port of Los Angeles tried to install entirely Chinese made security equipment to protect the Homeland from terroritistic materials. Contract negotiated during the Bush era, stopped during the Obama era. Serious questions have to be asked about the role in the US government of a naturalised US citizen who appears to have obtained an immigrant visa through fraudulant means, and who is largely financially dependent on the largesse of the Chinese Communist Party.
  12. Yes, the IRC is notable for its support of US foreign policy aims, which are broadly to defend the Free World from Communism. Some are surrendering this fight, and don't realise the Cold War never ended. Some might recall that Thailand is still home to the remnants of the Chinese Nationalist Army.
  13. Its interesting to reflect on the subject of this story, the funding for the International Rescue Committee. The IRC was founded in 1933, in New York, by Albert Einstein as the International Relief Association, to "provide emergency aid and long-term assistance to refugees and those displaced by war, persecution, or natural disaster". It provides support to about 30 million people including people living in 26 American cities. Its an American headquartered organisation. Initially, they provided help to people fleeting Nazi Germany, and then people trying to get out of Vichy France. They also provided support to Allied servicemen who escaped POW camps. The IRC was really formed when the US entered the war, and it became funded by the National War Fund. Postwar, it supported Berliners during the Communist blockade By the 50s, it became essentially an integral arm of the CIA, and hence once of the ways the US extended power around the globe. To do otherwise was to surrender America to the forces of Communism and Darkness. The IRC continued to provide relief to people affected by the Communists, such as Hungary, North Vietnam, Cuba. They facilitated refugees fleeing Mao's China to British Hong Kong. This continued as they supported Afghans displaced by the murderous Soviet invasion of their country. They supported Chechens fleeing Putins murderous army, and people trying to escape the genocidal Mladic in Yugoslavia. The Committee supported Kurdish and Iraqi diaspora who had fled Saddam Hussein's Iraq, following the failed uprising, that the US encouraged but didn't in the end, support. Its notable that the aid provided to Myanmar refugees is to support those fleeting a murderous pro-Communist Chinese military dictatorship which is an enemy of America. Those blocking their valuable work are, by de facto, Enenmies of America and the Free World. Broadly, the IRC are on the Side of the Angels. Those opposed to the IRC are essentially Stalinist and Maoist stooges, or Useful Idiots. While it started as a US government funded effort, these days it draws funding from governmental sources, corporations and individual donors. Twitter gave support in Kind. Musk, Apartheid Boy, last of the big spenders. It is not contentious to put control of International Aid under the control of a Foreign Ministry. This is exactly what the last UK Conservative government did. But Trump is Stupid, and he is so Stupid, he is easily manuipulated by people with malevolant aims. Some of these people might be long term sleepers to disrupt our societies. Certainly there were people exposed as Russian agents who went to prison for offences commited between 2016 and 2020, and from time to time, Russian sleeper cells are uncovered. There are more out there. These peope might be posing as native born Americans, but in many cases, they are naturalised citizens who have an unhealthy influence at the core of government. Trump is Stupid because rather than smoothly moving the control of USAID to the State Department, with a more considered review of existing and planned projects, he was suckered by these Communist Stooges to drop the nuclear option of dropping funding cold turkey. This is not to save America money; they have no interest in benefiting the United States, only in hurting it. Their policy is not America First. its not Make America Great Again. Its Surrender American First. Its Make America Poor Again. They want to create chaos among the United States friend and allies, in order to present to countries an alternative view of the US, and thus cement their Communist vision, because the US brings Chaos, Communism brings Order. Putin and Xi did their utmost to disrupt Western elections, not to fix elections, but to present a view of Western society and people as being rotten and corrupt to the core. This ultimately supports Alexandr Dugin's Eurasian thesis ((Putin is an acolyte of Dugin) that the Atlanticist States (UK, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand) are to blame for all the trouble in the world. Dugin has called for Anglo-Saxons to be wiped off the face of the planet.
  14. Suspect a previously banned member reregistering hence the "Elvis" username, coz there there's a guy works down the chip shop who swears he's Elvis.
  15. I doubt it. The public will get confused about what the government thinks needs improving and what they think needs improving. Depending how it plays out, what will have some resonance in the UK, is how the US government is cutting costs. Labour will not cut the costs of its Ministries. Take for example Education; it actually has a huge budget, and it will get bigger under Labour, and that will be spent not on things people think are important in education, but on things Labour thinks is important. SO my local MP believes its the most important thing ever, in the histriy of schools that more mental health counsellors are appointed and free breakfast clubs set up. A majortiy of teachers surveyed by TES indicated the expectation is that attendance will not be improved, neither would child health. Healthcare is complex, Brutally, the only way to get post COVID waiting times down is for patients to die. They will be distracted by vain attempts to address that, while ignoring the bigger issue of social care funding and underfunded (actually not funded) Discharge-to-Assess, which is truely Orwellian for patients, but its a process that appeals to Labour's instincts (basiically, if you are in hospital for a period, when you are discharged, you are now discharged to a Care Home, and the State gets to decide if you can ever go home again). The economy won't recover. Staglation is setting in, a result of a mixture of Labour ineptness; Racheal Reeves is no Gordon Brown, but also handicapped by the UK;s reduced position in the world (we are less of an influence on global economic trends now, and will be largely powerless to respnd to Trumpian tariffs.).
  16. Reading the same room and closer to the action than you. Next election; ~340 Tory Seats, ~206 Labour, Reform, 45, nearly all Northern seats, Libs; 20ish, SNP; 20 ish, 19 for rest. Tory government with a majority of 15, not including the NI Unionist parties. In the run up, one Reform MP defects to the Tories but loses his seat. Reform mostly win at the expense of the Labour Party. Farage doesn't run for Clacton, as he can't stand the town, and instead switches to Bradford and wins there after a narrow contest with George Galloway. By 2029, Trump will no longer be President, either an ex-President or dead. People will be sick of Farage name droppeing an 80 year old, who spent most of the previous years making an enemy of the UK. There will be a new raft of US politicians, Republican or Democrat, who will treat Farage with contempt. He will have spent the last few years trying to justify to the British people why Trump spent years screwing over the UK, first through tariffs, then when Trump abandons Estonia after Russian tanks briefly seize the capital. Farage is simply too much of a reminder of the MAGA madness. The British people don't like bullies, and we always back the underdog. We generally don't like God Botherers, Holy Joes, whether real or pretend. Whether true or not, Trump will become the laughing stock in the UK, thanks to how the Sun, Mirror, Mail report on him, as they draw the UK-First wagons. We will be reminded why we call Americans the "Septics". Like a Septic Tank, full of it. While there is a close relationship between the two countries, there has always been a certain tension. The next election will be based on the economy and taxes. Labour will tax us, the economy won't be doing well, because of basic ideological differences. The Tories will have spent the previous 5 years, with a fully stocked front bench, picking apart Labour policy after policy in a way that Reform with 4-5 MPs cannot talk about. Reform is still basically a 1 person party. They won't get the airtime, except for 1 issue only, When the reason people don't have money in their pocket and can't afford their mortgage, its easier to vocalise that its Labour's taxation policies and incompetance than to pretend all its down to immigrants. The Tories will point to a past, pre-2019, and running the economy well. While still a Brexit party, they will do a more convincing job of steering that middle line between the US and Europe. The country is noticeably more hostile to the US, particularly after President Trump dismisses the Royal Marines as ineffectual and backs the Argentinian claims to the Falklands as he continues to pursue Greenland, but it is now talking about Jamaica as well, The British people feel a closer affection for the Commonwealth, and don't like how kith and kin in Canada are being bullied by the German from New York. Reform, being the third largest party in parliament, get to ask more questions, which raises their profile, but its a highwater market for the protest party. With more voices, the lack of Party Discipline becomes apparent and no one actually knews what they stand for, as the party tries to beat the electorial reform issue again, in a wierd alliance withn the new PETA-Green Party, which no one understands. The incoming Conservative government is largely unrecognisable from 2024, but people are sick of Farage's gurning, but can't recall the name of a single other Reform MP. When quizzed, the public are convinced that Anne Widdecombe must be a Reform MP as she's on telly a lot. They don't like her screechy voice. Liz Truss loses her deposit while standing as the Real Reform UK Party (slogan; MEGA) candidate in Boston, a sad end for not a particularly rosey political career. Simple analysis of 2019 Tory voters and how they voted in 2024 25% of Tories in 2019 didn't bother voting in 2024. They will vote tory again with the right leader, and that leader ain't Farage 50% of the 2019 Tories who voted in 2024 stuck with the Tories and Rishi Sunak. If Farage couldn't win Tories who voted for an Indian in 2024, he have no chance in 2029. Get the right leader, and they will come back over Even without the right leader, they will. So thats 37% of the 2019 voters in the bag. 25% voted Farage. Some might come back. 20% voted Labour or Liberal Dems. They will also come back, and no way will they vote Farage. In 2024, Reform came second in 98 seats., 60 of those Labour, all in the North of England. They won't grow their share in the natural Tory seats. They will pick up Labour seats. 40 gains for them will be a very good night for them. With greater exposure in parliament, their candidates will be found wanting as the 2029-34 parliament becomes very concerned about the economic recovery. The 83 election shows Labour floating voters are more likely to switch to Tory and vice versa, rather than a disruptor party. Hence, Reform will be like a blue version of the SDP, but with less nous.
  17. Tommy Robinson, to use his fake name (adopted after he assaulted a police officer, losing his job), is an Irish man. That's what he told the Canadians. Irish Citizens need to understand they have no place in British politics, after they voted to go their own way over 100 years ago. Stephen Yaxley-Lennon of course was born in England (though he has claimed he is Ireland born and bred, and he wouldn't lie about that would he?), and only claims British citizenship because he has an English stepdad. As the child of an immigrant, he should think about his place in Britain. Farage obviously is a supporter of polygamy, having had 3 wives or partners and multiple kids by more than one women, hence his sympathy for the Muhammedan.
  18. Do you do a Tommy Cooper impersonation act. Truely a comedy account. I make observations as a fully paid up member of the Conservative and Unionist Party. I can't wait for someone to explain Farage's morality as an adulterer. He's shacked up with a French Bird while still being married to a German. Who replaced the Irish nurse who is the mother of his two oldest children. Some would say someone who doesn't believe in the sanctity of marriage is somewhat depraved. Certainly not behaving to any Christian standard of morality. More like a muslim who believes in polygamy. I have no idea of your nationality; I assume you are an Uzbek. The British, the English in particular, can be slectively prudish. We didn't think much of a minister shagging his secretary (Cecil Parkinson). Even John Major suffered when he was found to be having it off with Edwina Currie. We need to talk more about why Farage can't keep his pecker in his trousers, and would you want such a character anywhere near your kids.
  19. Trumpf read about a version of this plan before, attempted by his people. Its was called Madagaskarplan. Following pogroms in Russia, Zionist groups seriously debated the plan to resettle Russian Jews in Africa, but they rejected this as unworkable; I suppose some of Trumpf acolytes/apologists would applaud this and call it out of the box thinking. By the 30s, British fascists picked up on this. At the time, there was a march of fascism across Europe, and various governments developed plans to resettle Jewish people in Africa. The Nazis developed a policy of increasing violence and discrmination to encourage Jews to self-deport. In 1940, the Nazis cooked up an idea to deport all Jews to Madagascar. With the fall of France and the United Kingdom, the Germans would "persuade" France to give up Madagascar. They would then requisition the entire British Merchant Navy to conduct deportations. The whole operation would be financed through seized Jewish assets. At one point, the plans were so well advanced, that Hans Frank paused work on creating a Warsaw Ghetto. But as said, it wasn't just the Germans thinking like this. World Jewish Relife has provided excerpts from Hansard, about debate in the British Partliament, between mainstream polititicians about resettlemen t of German Jews https://www.worldjewishrelief.org/blog/2018/11/21/speeches-from-parliament-that-led-to-the-kindertransport/ The language used is fascinating. Its all about long term resettlement of Jews, as if that was the solution to Nazis going around beating them up, with one MP even asking if Germany had been asked if they could help out in the resettlement to various desolate parts of Africa and South America. Obviously there are many many flaws in Trumpf's obnoxious and stupid plan. A major problem is Hamas and all the other armed groups/militias/terrorists. I can't see them willingly marching out to take their spots in some tented city in Sinai. Even if they did, I suspect Egypt would not let them retain their side arms. And in the last few days, they have resumed their displays of armed force. So what to do with them. 2.5 years of aerial bombardments has not diminished their numbers, nor their resolve. Field Marshall Wavell observed that "all battles and all wars are won in the end by the infantryman". Someone will have to occupy the ground, and will need to clear probably a fanatical resistance that has little lose. Estimates vary, but most give Hamas; strength as being about 25,000 left, I suppose best described as light infantrymen. While they may lack access to heavy munitions, they have the advantage of knowing the lay of the land. The IDF reports the area is extensively mined with communication tunnels and reinforced C&C bunkers. The IDF has about 170,000 activated troops, and about 300,000 reservists. Currently the IDF has 3 divisions in Gaza, and 4 divisions in Lebonan/Golan Heights. They have ongoing operations againt Hezbollah remnants still, there is uncertaintly about the stability and intentions of the new Syrian government. The Syrian Army, constituting the former regime army that has pledged loyalty to the incoming government, plus the numerous previously anti-government militias, remain a formidable fighting force. The Lebanese Army is largely US equipped, and is of significance. Israel cannot afford to weaken its Northern Command, and it has to allow for troop rotations. Without mobilising the Reserve, the IDF has a float of about 3 divisions, based on Israeli concepts of a reinforced division. Conventional doctrine says a 3:1 ration, at least, is needed to take land. Defenders facing a 6:1 disadvantage can likely succeed in a holding action. Israel would need to commit at least 2 extra divisions to Gaza if it expects to clear the ground for Trumps stupid idea. Leaving 1 division as a roving reserve. Unless it mobilises the reserves, it doesn't have enough troops. I don't sense there is much enthusiasm for more Israeli blood to be expended to support what would be essentially an American Protectorate. There isn't enough IDF troops, without jeopardizing the safety of Israel. Israel still faces nominally unfriendly forces in Egypt and Jordan, that its obligated to defend against. And this is based on a conservative estimate; if there was an evacuation of Gazans, expect Hamas could swell its ranks by 2x, through bringing other groups under a unified command, and through increased recruitment. Edward De Bono, in his lateral thinking, proposed hsi solution, which Israeli partially tried. He said give Hamas $3 billion a year, which is reduced based on every rocket hitting Israel. For at least 5 years, Israel channeled about $15m of Qatari money a year for at least 5 years, probably more. This was supposedly to pay Hamas's wages., with no provision for reduction in the case of attack. The reason De Bono suggested a much larger amount was not based on any calculation what Gaza needed, but what sort of number is needed to transcend nationalistic urges; everyone can be brought.. Hamas really did need money to support public services. It needed a modicum of support on the street to claim legitimacy compared to the PLO and the numerous new militias emerging. The Qatari money probably covered that. $3bn into the pockets of some ex-jailbirds might have motivated them. Of course, some consider De Bono to be a charlatan.
  20. I suspect those who constantly express a fear of transgenders in the ladies toilet are the sort when, in the public gents, when faced with a female toilet attendant, either flee in terror, or consider it an excuse to masturbate. She's in a skirt, right, so therefore its a sexual situation whenever an man and a woman are near each other. This is the Mike Penceway of thinking (he would not be in the presence of a woman unless his wife was present, presumably because he felt he could not suppress his lust). They think when the ladies go to the bathroom in groups, they end up staring at each other's vulvas in the same way this mob associate a trip to the gents with a willy waving spectacle. I'd go with the theory that they are displaying suppressed homosexuality, in the same way a young JD Vance was told by his grandmother to go have sex with a man. They are probably intrigued by that transgender-female porn, when the transgender bloke with tits tries to have sex with a female. Its comedic, because usually his todger ain't working, on account of the hormones etc.
  21. The irony is the Trumpf felt it was perfectly ok for a middle aged man to walk into a changing room of semi-naked beauty contestants. This wasn't some wicked allegaton going aroun d to besmirch him, but he bragged about it on the Howard Stern show.
  22. Well, its not exactly new. Like the F16, its basically a 1980s airframe. Probably good enough.
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