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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. I worked on a passenger ferry for over 20 years and couldn't figure out how the Seahorse business plan was going to work. Running a vessel is bloody expensive and (thankfully) rife with government red tape. That certainly proved to be the case in Thailand, too. Another service attempt will pop up in a few more years.
  2. All of that, but no evidence of prostitution? Isn't 13/3 where the Gandy Dancers gather? In all seriousness, it's rare to hear of any problems from that part of town.
  3. Are you supporting bastard children ? Thats what makes Thai men laugh harder than a farang strutting around with a ho on his arm like he's Prince Rainier with Grace Kelly, not that their esteem means anything to most of us.
  4. I got back from "Granny Bar" in Pattaya half an hour ago. My informal poll showed that the crusty old mamas have as little enthusiasm for the 4am closing as some of the crusty old AN members have. A couple of ladies slipped their false teeth into my pockets when I was ringing the bell, so I'll have to return and sort that out this evening. Aged punters at Granny Bar related that marriage proposals from the ladies are up sevenfold since the 4am closure proposal, also that the sinsot requests have dropped to 2 million baht, down from 3 million pre announcement.
  5. It can't be overstated how offended Thais get with cursing. A 70 year old should have stopped that habit half a century ago, but late is better than never. Many years ago I dated a Thai lady who managed a restaurant frequented by foreigners, mostly from the UK. One afternoon she came home in a livid state. Apparently she'd had enough of the Brits' foul language and incessant cursing. She wanted to move back to the countryside and never see another foreigner again. Kind of an awkward conversation to have with me, her foreign bf who doesn't curse. A few pearls came out of that conversation, one of which was how offensive cursing is to Thai people. She said that even the lowest Thais don't curse, yet the comparatively rich foreigners with a better education drop the F bomb in every second sentence. This does seem to be prevalent with men from the UK, mostly the Brits and Scots, and to a lesser extent, the Irish, who seem to be a much happier nationality. Must we now add Belgians to the list of the uncouth?
  6. As opposed to figuratively bowing? Millennial author, no doubt.
  7. Perhaps a psychologist would be more in order. If you're still hell bent on pill popping give Fascino a try. They've got a large selection of imported vitamins at imported vitamin prices.
  8. Sorry mate, you get the cast offs with baby damage and a Thai man's kids to support. Thai men don't touch them with a barge pole. A Thai woman wistfully confirmed it with me last night. The lady is in her 40s and a farang is picking up the tab for another man's kids, just like the simps at home. It's a shame someone didn't sort the geezer in the video out decades ago, or maybe someone did and he's a slow learner. He deserved a hard slap, and perhaps to be publicly urinated on, but not to be beaten with a closed fist and kicked while he was down. Humiliate pops, not cripple him.
  9. Women sure don't like it when the shoe goes onto the other foot. Man takes advantage of hypergamy and comes out ahead.
  10. A whole page of comments from people who didn't bother to read the article. Unsurprisingly, you've all got it wrong. Read the whole story.
  11. Is there such thing as a "passive" shooter? You're correct about it being a farce. What are they supposed to be scanning for? The ones at the airports go off if you've got a coin in your pocket, so that wouldn't work out too well in a shopping mall. If there's a shooter, set an ambush and take the guy out. If you die, you'll go down like a man instead of a worm. I'd want my friends and family to see footage of me being brave and resourceful, someone they could be proud to have called a friend. Imagine if your final act on this planet was to cower, snivel and beg, and your loved ones had to live with that image for the rest of their lives.
  12. Many years ago I was stopped at a dragnet outside of Soi 9/Beach Road and the cop asked to see my passport, which was back in my room in Jomtien. Two cops drove me to my room and accompanied me upstairs to see the passport and verify the stamps. It was unnerving and humiliating because the apartment staff then thought I was a criminal. I now carry a laminated copy of my information page and the relevant stamps on the reverse side.
  13. Ah, so you want someone to subsidize already low fares even further? Any business owner will tell you that the days of coolie labour prices are over. The gall of this post. Sell the car and use the proceeds to cover future taxi expenses. Problem solved.
  14. Your panel and storage costs are a fraction of what we're paying in North America. Actually, all of your costs are a fraction of what we pay. The electricity costs here in Thailand are higher and the sun shines for most of the year, making the system viable. I paid: $1/per watt (35 baht?) for my 12v panels 14,00 baht 5760 watts @12v LiFePO4 103,000 baht 12v inverter/charger 15,500 baht solar controller 5,500 baht. The panels should be good for four more years, the batteries might never need to be replaced, but the charge controller and inverter both had to be replaced after 5 years. This is for an installation I did on my camper van, used in Canada, where the sun shines for 5 months if we're lucky. There are 4x 100 watts of flat mounted panels, which isn't the most effective way of gathering sunlight at that latitude. I was ignorant of the cost inputs here in Thailand. Thanks for clearing it up. The EV debate has far more aspects than just how much you pay or don't pay for the electricity to power your car. I'll leave that alone because it looks like the worm is turning on that one, and the problem of EVs is going to be self limiting.
  15. Men who desire that kind of relationship don't seek it here. It would akin to recruiting for the NBA in a Pygmy village. Thai women make great partners for many reasons; the top of most lists being feminine, agreeable, and fun to be with. A man can have serious conversations with other men, but I doubt he wants to snuggle with that friend or eat his cooking (those fellas have their own section on this forum).
  16. How big is your solar array? From those numbers I'd guess around 2kw. Do you have an inverter for the car charger, or does the power feed directly into the grid? Do you have storage as well?
  17. https://www.realclearenergy.org/articles/2023/10/25/the_political_risks_of_mandating_evs_for_everyone_988506.html This is a balanced, well written essay about EVs. One of the similes used in the essay is the comparison between airplanes and helicopters in the aviation industry. The link just came up in one of my feeds. Google isn't watching us. It's worth a read if anyone has the time and interest in the subject. https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/ Dr. Tim Morgan discusses the theory that all economies are based on surplus energy. He's a big supporter of alternative energy sources, yet provides a balanced and realistic appraisal of their viability. Apolitical. The link is to the blog, not to any particular entry to support a position I take on the subject. The comments on his blog are intelligent and appear to be carefully considered.
  18. Something about the picture makes me want to pull that guy over, check for outstanding warrants, and search his car down to the frame and tires. And I've never been a cop! Young baldies at home wear the baseball cap toupee, something I haven't seen over here. It's so ubiquitous in North America that women on dating sites talk more about being "hat-tricked" than being catfished.
  19. Yes, that's why new charging stations have been built all over the country, so people can go there for 3 hours after their work day to charge their car. *Disclaimer * I neither own an EV nor did I think through this post.
  20. Nobody just magically "has" a solar installation, they pay a small fortune for it and the system rarely pays for itself. I searched "how many solar panels to power a Tesla" and came up with this:
  21. Proof that it works as intended. I've got half a dozen contacts, none of whom engage in illegal activity.
  22. Did you bring a sick buffalo back from the brink of death, or was it a guy at the bank selling you Thai securities with returns that were too good to be true ?
  23. Late middle aged guy here who is more "wary" of tech than "resistant " to it. This is doubly true for apps, and I've blocked Facebook's ability to function at all on any of my devices. I switched from Whatsapp to Telegram the day Facebook disclosed the new privacy policy for Whatsapp, which is now zero privacy. I don't use apps because I find the terms of service unacceptable. My privacy is worth more than the value any app provides me. Zuckerberg makes my skin crawl and Musk changed the name of Twitter to X because he wants to turn it into a complete digital financial system that people will dump their bank accounts for. I just don't trust those maggots.
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