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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Starting a business involves various types of risk. In this instance the risk is "regulatory risk", which means that regulations can change in the future and the risk is borne by the entrepreneur or venture, and should have been priced in during inception. The big players will have seen this as a possibility and priced it in when starting their ventures, and by spreading the risk throughout the chain. I'd be surprised if any have had enough time to integrate horizontally or vertically, so there will be many bag holders and the pain will be spread around. Another year should be enough to recoup most of their investments, but woe betide the commercial real estate market unless they can find someone else to fill the void. I think most Thais were dead set against marijuana legalization and the prior globalist aligned government rammed it through anyways.
  2. The culture is different. Drivers often flee back to their own village, lie low for a couple of weeks, then turn themself in when the heat dies down. It seems to be acceptable, and people who remain on the scene and do what we see as being the "right thing" are usually punished more severely. We're not in Kansas, or England or Canada anymore. The rule book is different here.
  3. As William Munny (Clint Eastwood) said in "Unforgiven" "Deserve's got nothing to do with it". Cars run red lights in every country. What's newsworthy is the blatant negligence (corruption?) of the investigators. Perhaps there will be enough pressure to open this up and have the driver charged.
  4. Or a ticket to run an ivy league university in the US...if the plagarist identifies as one of the oppressed group.
  5. Go pet one and find out. Other humans are the problem, not you or your offspring.
  6. Partly that, partly funneling billions of baht into favoured corporate coffers and partly ushering out cash to bring in a CBDC.
  7. The sober man amongst the fiscal drunkards. Every time I see the PM I expect him to bite through steel cables or bend an iron bar.
  8. The same reason you post comments here. I gave you a "like". Now go eat your worms.
  9. The government is lining him up to be the Thai version of "Emmanuel Goldstein" for the two minute hate.
  10. Pretty, remarkable woman. Great body and hair, completely chilled attitude. Can't get much better than that.
  11. I've been looking at leasing a condo and wondered what the deal is with the units you described. The last place I rented (35m2, Pattaya side of building) had an inverter mini split and my electricity bills never exceeded 700 baht. If a new mini spit is only 15k baht (including installation) it might be worth the investment, even for a filthy renter.
  12. This makes perfect sense. Some people get tremendous relief from chiropractic care, and that is in short supply here. My friend used to visit a chiropractor on the darkside of Pattaya. He went by motorbike taxi, got the cracks, and his back was screwed again from the motorbike taxi by the time he got home. It was a long time ago, no bolt and very few local taxis.
  13. You hit the nail on the head. I'm amazed that a wealthy person could spout this philosophy while maintaining a straight face. In many ways it's analogous to the climate change rhetoric. Most supporters are of above the average educational level and financial means, and live high consumption lifestyles. Cut out the people at the very top and it still skews towards the affluent-who do the vast majority of consuming and give birth to more heavy consumers. Oddly, they come out spewing "facts" and statistics of dubious origin, yet never reveal what they've done to alleviate the problem they largely contribute to. Plenty of preaching which overlaps the vague concept of "sustainability" while leaving us to infer that accepting totalitarianism is the only path to saving the planet. The Thai philosophy leads to more resources for the wealthy to consume at the expense of the planet and the working class. Pre "climate change" climate change propaganda.
  14. Yes, moderation of ambition in the poor and moderation of the speech of the poor by the rich.
  15. For the peasants, yes. Kind of rich coming from a fellow whose wealth was estimated at $30 billion USD. Two accurate translations of the concept are: 1)Know your place and stay in it. 2)Do as I say, not as I do.
  16. His chief complaint is the lack of vegan options on the prison menu. When that's sorted out he will turn himself in.
  17. I used to go to the one under Royal Garden during its brief lifespan. The food and service were good, as was the price.
  18. Ok strawman. Who is the guy in my avatar and where was he caught?
  19. Thanks. I had a guy start this line when I was wandering around drunk with my shorts around my ankles on 2nd Road one night. He did the first part of the scam, then backed off when I pulled the money from my sweat soaked loins and asked him if it was enough.
  20. Aussies run V8s and eat meat? Must be decent folk.
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