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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. I was kind of hoping someone would just openly state the number instead of screeching about conspiracies.
  2. Why sling the term "homophobic" around? I've found nobody who is fearful of gays (outside of prison walls) but I've known plenty who found the lifestyle repugnant. Isn't that their right? I've known plenty of gay men over the years and more than a few were "heterophobic" . They called us "breeders" and were repelled at the thought of getting anywhere near a quim. That's also their right. What I found about gay men is that it doesn't take long for them to start yapping about their sexual practices and extreme promiscuity. I don't want to hear that from anyone, gay or straight. Can't we just make it about the content of someone's character?
  3. I came for the waters.
  4. What is the infection mortality rate of said virus? Bueller? Bueller?
  5. In other words, you're too lazy to look into the matter or check your own facts.
  6. Their grandmothers had the living garbage beaten out of them for not wearing masks on a park bench could be one of a dozen reasons. Most cops at home are cowards, but the court system did that to them by setting up the revolving door for criminals. Grannies don't fight back or carry weapons, so they're easy targets. Criminals know their rights and the cops treat them with a lot more respect.
  7. That's a Chechnyan, not a Russian. One look at him is all it takes.
  8. Na, you'd have to Emcee the night and hold the rope with the rest of the degenerates.
  9. Don't trigger the Digger !
  10. How much leverage have the Israeli hostages provided?
  11. You take a lot on yourself and speak in broad, meaningless terms. I have a right to my own ideas and opinions, as do you and every person on this planet. A case in point was my refusal to take those injections. My logic was clear and correct. When the panic started, I asked people if they knew anyone who had been hospitalized or died. One coworker lost his brother (who was in a mental institution). That was it. Step 2: talk to the paramedic, nurses and fire captain I knew. They hadn't had a single call related to the deadly plague. ICU nurse said they'd had zero patients due to the botch. Talk to medical examiner I knew. She had one person she had autopsied who died from the botch and she cited the known health risks of masks and refused to wear one. Step 3: visit my local hospital and check for myself. The place was empty. Hmm. Final step: consult provincial and national mortality tables to see if there were statistical anomalies. Nothing there either. I don't use Facebook or other social media, nor do I watch television, so my decision was not based on dis or mis or mal information, but people sure treated me like it was. Inject whatever you want into you and your helpless children's bodies, but leave the rational people alone to die in peace.
  12. Ok, fully agree with that one.
  13. Will the ranking system on AN equate to free booze n barfines at the forum owner's establishments? it would be hilarious to see a flock of AN board members wearing safety vests and holding onto a single rope as they did a crawl down Soi 6.
  14. Hopefully this happens sooner, rather than later, so those hostages don't have to be dug out from under the rubble before repatriation. That 20,000 have decided to remain in a war zone says everything we need to know about the economic prospects for working class people here in Thailand.
  15. Gratifying as that would be, I don't think that more bickering would improve the board or help to retain mods.
  16. What is the symbol beside my name? It's like a Rorschach Test. I see someone bent over with their underwear pulled down around their feet within a flaming red border. Being somewhat of an <deleted>, it felt like a badge I'd earned. Please don't tell me it's a light bulb.
  17. They probably did, but it wasn't practical and now people turn right there. There's a similar situation at Soi Bongkot and Theprisit Rd, where one must turn left and travel a few hundred meters before doing a U-turn towards the beach. No bitterness or criticism from me as one can empathize with how difficult it is to make changes to traffic flows on roads with such heavy usage.
  18. It might be worth a try. Between songtaews and delivery trucks the soi can be very time consuming to navigate, and that's on a scooter. It would have to run from Klang to Pattaya Tai in order to loop with Second Road. The right turn onto Pattaya Tai would be much worse than it is now.
  19. There will be a rush of AN members posing as tourist police on Beach Road giving Katoeys full body cavity searches. None of them are gay though.
  20. I was thinking he ran into Robin Leach during a trek and the reporter had misspelled his name. You've got to laugh at the filthy fingernails holding the eye open. Get ready for a nasty infection.
  21. Yes, but the $60,000 question is "do your friends and family back home know that you bat for the other team?" Most guys who go with Katoeys are deep in the closet at home. It's got to be a heavy weight to carry. Does that make real women your "beards"?
  22. Don't project the shame of your weak mindedness on me. Disable Facebook's ability to function on your devices and unplug your television. Learn to think for yourself. One day you'll wake up and see how most people are simps who are being played by the media you cling to so strongly, and that you were once that simp.
  23. Come to think of it, I've never seen a fat smoker.
  24. This kind of spectacle is why I came to Pattaya. If I wanted boring I'd stay back home and watch stupid white people fight over what's going on in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, as if their opinions were going to make an iota of difference in ancient feuds. Here I get to watch hormonally imbalanced men dressed in drag duke it out over customers who "aren't gay" but don't tell anyone back home about their proclivities in Pattaya.
  25. Tolstoy described the Russian peasants to a "T" in "War and Peace". One story I will relate was from a coworker from Belarus who left when it was still part of the USSR. He said that every ship had a political officer and there were regular meetings where they said what was expected of them as quickly as possible so they could get on with talking about life: girls, their kids back on shore, family, normal healthy things as opposed to arguing about politics. "We had propaganda, you've read that <deleted>, but none of us believed it. We didn't hate the Americans or want them dead, we were curious about them and admired how they lived. Then I got here and there is propaganda everywhere (f ing CNN) and the people here in the West believe that <deleted>. We never believed any of it. The people in the West hate us, but we didn't hate them". This man was deeply shocked and hurt by the amount of hatred directed at him and his countrymen for no apparent reason. This was 20 years ago.
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