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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Yes, I'm unusually resistant to propaganda, especially the crap the US pumps out like raw sewage onto its populace.
  2. How would they get military grade weapons though? It's not as if a certain country just laid 85 billion dollars worth of them on the ground, jumped in their planes, and flew away, is it?
  3. Are the indigenous peoples of France and Belgium attacking Thai people? What could possibly cause these warnings?
  4. No need to read past this phrase. This is what will drive me out of this country sooner, rather than later, which is a shame because I've still got plenty of years left in the honeymoon phase. Will Thailand become the world's first digital gulag? The majority of the populace is unsophisticated and poor enough to accept anything foisted upon them.
  5. I got caught up in the huge protest at the Pattaya PEACH convention center back in 2009 during the ASEAN summit. I was on the way back to the condo with my Thai gf and didn't realize how serious it was until we were in the thick of it. Redshirt men were armed with pieces of rebar and there was a 5 ton flat deck truck with a Marshall stack and some dude on a PA whipping up the crowd. I was the lone farang in that throng. Several Thais apologized to me and said "we just want a democracy, like you have in your country". This is where my post ties into yours. The people do want democracy badly enough to fight for it. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed that day, but it was close. We ended up in a march towards the Yellow shirts and the police (tall cops in riot gear). A couple of shots were fired into the air and somehow violence was averted.
  6. You raise an interesting point. I rode through 15 provinces on my Honda Click in March+April this year. The choice of bike is of interest because I took backroads that someone on a big bike wouldn't bother with and made many stops along the way. Many small villages, if you could even call them that, had the traditional mom and pop businesses selling snacks but there was a shiny new 7/11 there in the middle of nowhere. These were large stores compared to many in Pattaya, far larger than what the closest population would warrant. It made me wonder if these would be the chosen ones for the CBDC. Maybe the way to limit people's meat intake is to force them to eat pre prepared meals like the ones sold in 7/11.
  7. Yes, here's a 51 year old (looking 75) Danish meth dealer who dabbles in the product. https://scandasia.com/behind-bars-in-thailand-exclusive-interview-with-danish-john-finn-in-pattaya-prison/
  8. As it should be. Have you seen some of those bridge players? A pretty scary bunch that you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. Not quite as rough as the lawn bowling/ croquet crowd though.
  9. How long ago did you get your license? It's much more involved now and you've got to ride through an obstacle course and pass a test. Then you get out on the road and have a collision with a Grab driver who's riding 60km/hr in the wrong direction on a one way street whilst playing with his phone.
  10. Because they haven't unveiled the social credit score and personal spending tracking features built into the app yet.
  11. The filthy over stayers who set up shop in Phuket.
  12. Yes, but face is saved and the invisible hand can be blamed. I'm still waiting for Yingluck to drop by for some fun between the sheets She's getting kind of crusty though, does she have an adult daughter or younger sister?
  13. Wherever Thailand is going, Canada will get there sooner and be much worse. Thankfully, covid is working its magic back home so there will be a cull of the weak and compliant. There may yet be hope, but not with those people casting their ballots.
  14. You've seen images on a screen and read propaganda. Congratulations on being weak and easily manipulated. The world will continue as it always has, with tribes going to war and plenty of collateral damage. Lay off the carbs, get some fresh air and step away from the computer/TV and the melancholy will soon pass. Noam Chomsky, author of "Manufacturing Consent" advocated for rounding up unvaccinated people and putting them in concentration camps. Kind of like his kindred have done to another tribe for the last few decades. Chickens returning to roost. That sort of thing.
  15. We had Ports Police in Vancouver and there was a noticeable increase in crime after they were disbanded. The government's response was to put mall cops in little cars to drive around and call the real police when they spotted trouble.
  16. Yet they do nothing about the African swines hanging around Sukhumvit Road.
  17. Hey, leave the nanny state mentality at home. Some of us don't want government wiping our chin and changing our nappies. My understanding from the article is that she slid across the road and into his path as he was overtaking her. His wheel hit the back of her head and neck, causing the injuries she is hospitalized with now. Just bad luck, but we Westerners need a villain for every story.
  18. Say what you will, but Russians spend a hell of a lot of money in Thai owned establishments. Wander into any place with Russian writing on the menu and the prices will make your eyes water. I was in Phuket for a month earlier this year and some of the Russian women had me stopping my motorbike to get a longer look at them. Tall, with beautiful bodies and clear skin, very few had tattoos.
  19. The wheels of justice turn slowly.
  20. Nay, the third lowest. Read the article again.
  21. There's the way the world ought to be, and the way it is. The contrast here is as stark as can be.
  22. The rules about where and how the 10k can be spent are very restricted. One of the stipulations is that it must be spent within 4km of their home. There are also restrictions on what can be purchased, and from whom. The favoured businesses will get a lot of custom for quite a while (think of how much rice 10k could buy) during which time the local rice vendor gets zero revenue due to the inelastic demand for staples. I agree that it will hurt the country's finances. I'm not sure that it can be gamed with the restrictions and if proof of identity is required when using the wallet. Whatever holes there are will be patched and the hammer will really come down when version 2 comes out. I'm pretty sure this is the implementation of Ben Bernanke's " helicopter money" that will remove retail banks from the consumer equation.
  23. Have you visited Thailand yet? That's how it works here, always has. There was talk of a crackdown on Phuket but it's business as usual as far as I know. I like the way they roll here. You can do pretty much what you want as long as it doesn't interfere with the locals, but the consequences fall squarely on your shoulders, regardless of who is at fault. The cops probably took a look at the situation, quickly ascertained what had happened and who was at fault, and let their countryman slide instead of putting him through the ringer. Maybe the young lady will stop being a gross ho after this incident, though I don't know how her parents will be able to live down the shame.
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