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Everything posted by NickyLouie

  1. They are delicious but overpriced. La Boulange is probably the best French bakery in town, thank God not run by Belgians. Tiens, voilà du boudin, voilà du boudin, voilà du boudin (voilà du boudin) Pour les Alsaciens, les Suisses et les Lorrains (les Suisses et les Lorrains) Pour les Belges, y en a plus Pour les Belges, y en a plus Ce sont des tireurs au cul Pour les Belges, y en a plus Pour les Belges, y en a plus Ce sont des tireurs au cul
  2. Yes same owner and product and the prices are even higher there.
  3. https://www.pattayabiz.site/business/la-cremerie Obviously from all their overpriced stale bread, but this place makes it.
  4. I'm not in Phuket, not an issue for me.
  5. His stain on America will long outlast him. Horrible puppet.
  6. What y'all gonna do when your favorite little resort town turns all Chinese? You think the Russian swarm was something to sniff at?
  7. Won't do much for ya come November when we elect Trump again.
  8. Did that work you ? (not judging at all)
  9. Weak genetic pool it seems they all look alike.
  10. You need to accept this deep state assassination attempt just sealed the deal for Trump taking office again.
  11. Typical pass for a liberal rich Democrat.
  12. Reality check: you speak and understand 0 Thai.
  13. an innocent person at the rally was killed and the Secret Service blew the shooters head off. Trump 2024 , y'all ain't gonna keep a good man down.
  14. Is that in Quincy?
  15. This had something to do with deodorant or lack thereof.
  16. Smart ppl just wear a good quality rain poncho, just sayin'
  17. Biden will announce his step down after returning from Camp David, the tribe has spoken.
  18. Good article, wonder who the big Dem fundraisers are in Manhattan.
  19. So are the ppl who actually think this sock puppet is or was ever running USA policy the last few years.
  20. Great, you've never been to Nakhon Phanom and eaten one. Delicious and popular there.
  21. God she must be awfully dry, no wonder Bill strays.
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