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Everything posted by NickyLouie

  1. God she must be awfully dry, no wonder Bill strays.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakhon_Phanom_province Served all over here, ethnic Vietnamese who made homes here during the Viet Nam war era.
  3. 555, Those Joe Biden supporters must really feel like dolts now.
  4. Your worst fears just materialized, LOL
  5. Hope he goes viral like that Swiss loser.
  6. Their manchurian candidate fumbled the ball tonight, more than once.
  7. Biden def polishes balls
  8. At least the homosexual news network (CNN) hosted this comedy. Anderson Cooper is soooo HAWT
  9. God help those poor Democrats
  10. It's what fat and in horrible shape humans use as an excuse.
  11. Hunter Biden in Pattaya would be a savage live stream.
  12. that's about 90% here,
  13. Your funds were returned so the situation could have been much worse. Maybe pay, get keys and then move in, noob.
  14. We drink kratom tea in TH not those crappy pills sold in headshops overseas.
  15. BootyStank33 is a new hybrid strain which you should try first.
  16. Hopefully this time next year Palestine will be but a memory......
  17. Sorry what is Maldives and their >relevance?
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