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Posts posted by CRUNCHER

  1. It is not easy unless you are in MM2H or have a work permit. I tried about 18 months ago and none of the local banks would entertain me. In the end I went to HSBC because I have aPremier account in my home country and HSBC could not have been more helpful. Job done in under an hour.

    Suggest, if you have an account overseas with a bank that operates in Malaysia, you try them. A referral from your home bank might help.

    Good luck.

  2. "The guilty is not on the city hall for allowing this construction permit. "

    Allowing to build on 100sqm more area is more guilty than adding 100sqm more than on the plans.

    Allowing to build on "sacred land"(as many of you call it) is even more guilty.

    Allowing a 53 storey building which would have eventually and clearly block that view is the guiltiest.

    All the City could and should have said 10 years ago was: " we are sorry but your plans WILL block the view so we can NOT allow this construction "

    That's it!

    Everybody would go home and no harm done and life would go on!

    I can intellectually argue on this with you until the end of times.

    Your posts were supposed to be "informational" but they now turned out to be biased. So that makes all your arguments biased.

    I appreciate your sentiments, but as I understand post #14 the extra area is not 100 sqm, but about 1,200 sqm. or more than 30% more than permitted (or allegedly so).

    After 18 months of this building being examined us-side-down, inside-out and back-to-front, I am amazed that this issue only comes to light now.

    Perhaps, reading between the lines of the developer's letter at post # 53 there is some misunderstanding between usable, non-usable and salable area. It seems as if people are clutching at straws to delay the restarting of construction.

  3. From Pattayawatchdog facebook


    apologies for my and google's translation effort.

    As expected

    Pattaya City has not renewed construction permits for Waterfront condominium.

    According to a review due on February 13, 2559.

    This news follows two main reasons.

    1. Parking as described in the EIA report, was for 60 places

    but developers only provided 30 places subsequently told Pataya city that

    parking would be resolved by using a 2 storey hydraulic system floor height of 3.2 meters, but the city checked and found it inadequate for large vehicles.

    2. Pattaya City inspected the developmnt area that permited them 3.8 thousand square meters,

    and found more than five thousand square meters used without permission.

    City building permit can not be renewed.

    I am not sure how much credence can be placed on a report like this.

    I cannot comment on the car park because I have no knowledge on this, but the discrepancy on the floor area is just too great to be believable - it is over 30%. The building has a foot print of so many square meters multiplied by the number of floors (and I believe the developer built fewer floors than he was entitled to). Any civil servant with a calculator could have worked this out years ago. How come this has just surfaced after the building has been inspected, measured and investigated every which way for the last 18 months.

    When you look at this in conjunction with all the lies that have been told about this project over the past 18 months - too high, too close to the sea, land was stolen to included in the project etc. etc ad nausium- all of which have been debunked, this project has been the victim of some very bad people.

    Yes, the developer has said that some questions have been asked, questions that should have been asked months ago, but that does not mean that the above is accurate.

    To me it looks like more lies spread by people conducting a vendetta against the developer or City Hall or the Government or maybe all three.

    Even by Thailand standards this has dragged on for far too long. It is a disgrace. If this building was illegal it would have been stopped long ago. The authorities are delaying the inevitable to try and find some way to save face for stopping the project in the first place.

  4. Each to his own, but I always reckon that getting a re-entry permit at the airport is a bit risky. A delay in getting to the airport could leave you struggling for time and quite frankly I don't need hassle when traveling. Any problems (such as mentioned in this thread) and I don't want to lose my extension and have to start the process again.

    As soon as I get my retirement extension I get a multi-re-entry. In an emergency I am good to go.

  5. I have never understood the lack of seasoning when using the combo method.

    To exaggerate for the sake of emphasis - if I have income of 1 baht and a deposit of 799,999 baht that is an easy way for everyone to get round the seasoning requirement.

    What, of course, is very wrong is to change the interpretation of the rules without notice. They should give at least 3 months to allow everyone to adjust.

  6. Google "vacations to go.com". A very good website for cruises, but when you have found what you want, check the cruise lines website as you might get some good deals.

    Lots of cruises stop at Lam Chabang, but I do not think they normally take on new passengers. Try E-mailing the cruise line direct to see what they can do. They might make a special arrangement for you. It does not hurt to ask.

  7. Opp. Foodland, a bit further up from Wattana. Excellent choice, fair price & good after-service if anything goes wrong. MS>

    Thanks for the replies and this tip.

    "My Safe" (indeed opposite Foodland). Wide selection and reasonable prices. Woman there speaks excellent English and knows the products she is selling. More than can be said for Home Pro. Huge difference in price and the staff knew nothing about the safes they were selling. They couldn't even open some of the safes. .

    • Like 2
  8. Thanks for the replies folks.

    Should have said I require a fireproof safe. I am just as worried about losing chanotes and other documents to fire as I am to cash and valuables to a burglar.

    Tried 7/11, but they are out of stock for a few weeks.

  9. Anyone know a good, reliable shop where I can buy a good quality safe?

    Index is ridiculously expensive, There is one shop on Thepprasit near Soi 9, but I would like to find a couple of others to compare prices and quality.


  10. At this juncture I'm not too worried because, if this is to be a prosecutorial hoax in that the the prosecution knows for certain that the 2 accused are in no way complicit, I don't think those down on Samui are good enough to pull that one off.

    Neither of us know what the prosecution is thinking. My assumption is they have doubts as to who is guilty. However, they're duty-bound to do their jobs. Their job is to prosecute and convict the B2 with all the skills and tricks they can. That's what attorneys do ww. OJ's million dollar lawyers were playing the game from the defense position. OJ's attorneys probably thought he was guilty, but they were getting paid to do all they could to convince the jury that he was not guilty. They did their jobs well. It's not about right or wrong, it's about playing the game with the most tact and skills.

    It's not a black and white situation. Again, even if the prosecution have their doubts, they can't express any of that at trial. They can tell their wives and friends privately (after having them sworn to secrecy), but that's about it. There is a maelstrom of lies swirling around this crime and its investigation. It will come down to the Thai judges to decide - what are lies and what is truth. ....unless they too have an agenda.

    You are right about lawyers' "skills and trick' etc.

    It is a fact that sometimes it is not the side with the best case that wins, but the side with the best lawyers. Sad, but true.

    • Like 1
  11. rockingrobin, on 24 Mar 2015 - 06:54, said:rockingrobin, on 24 Mar 2015 - 06:54, said:
    jdinasia, on 24 Mar 2015 - 03:40, said:jdinasia, on 24 Mar 2015 - 03:40, said:

    Stolen clothes..... As pointed out it is not likely. It probably won't play well in court.

    "defendants claim that their clothing were stolen "

    "prosecution suggests that defendants disposed of bloody evidence "

    Which scenario would you tend to believe?

    It is my understanding that the RTP are claiming that there was no blood on the clothes because they had been washed

    As for defense not disclosing its information, this would be normal and especially so in Thailand where the prosecution doesnt reveal the evidence in there possesion

    It would appear that some posters like the judiicial system of discovery but appear not to like the defence to have the same privilege

    Correction the translator made the claim the clothes had been washed

    It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get heavy bloodstains out of fabric by washing alone. I know from personal experience. You need special chemicals. And after a crime like that which happened on 15 September 2014, there would have been a lot of blood.

    Examination of clothing, where available, is vital in a case like this. I would be very surprised if the forensic chemist in charge did not ask for all available clothing. What you can see with the naked eye is not all there is to it. Detailed forensic examination is required. This is done in a laboratory.

    A lot will depend on things like the amount of blood, the type of fabric, how well the clothing was washed. I dealt with a case once where blood in readable quantities was found in the seams of a garment after washing.

    Another aspect relating to clothing that has not, as far as I am aware, got even a single mention is “contact evidence”. Basically when two people come into contact with each other, fibers may be transferred from one person’s clothing to the others. This can also survive wash depending on fabric, how many fibers, how thoroughly washed etc.

    For the nitty gritty on these things you would need to consult a forensic chemist.

    One thing I do know the examination and testing could take weeks to complete depending on circumstances; certainly after the police stopped releasing details to the public.

    Whether the prosecution has such evidence I do not know and nor does anyone else on this thread. We will have to wait for the trial.


    • Like 1
  12. CRUNCHER, on 24 Mar 2015 - 02:34, said:
    IslandLover, on 23 Mar 2015 - 16:40, said:

    Muang Muang reportedly went back to AC bar to get the guitar and sandals, it has not been revealed if he did in actual fact find the guitar or sandals. It is assumed that he did not find the guitar ,

    therefore did he enquire further with the B2 or is there more than one guitar

    There was reports early in the investigation that a guitar was recovered i with nobody taking ownership,

    The guy delivering a guitar to the RTP (footage on tv) what is the significance

    What is the significance?

    Just a thought - no more.

    Hiding the possessions of people who are swimming is the sort of prank young people get up to, especially when they have had a few drinks.

    The victims of the prank do not always see the funny side, again especially if they have had a few drinks.Things get out of control They get angry...argue...fight and....?? It happens. Add to that the possibility of getting the wrong pranksters.

    Not saying this is what happened, but it is not impossible.

    The above quoted post was not made by me. It was made by rockingrobin.

    Sorry. My bad.

    • Like 2
  13. Muang Muang reportedly went back to AC bar to get the guitar and sandals, it has not been revealed if he did in actual fact find the guitar or sandals. It is assumed that he did not find the guitar ,

    therefore did he enquire further with the B2 or is there more than one guitar

    There was reports early in the investigation that a guitar was recovered i with nobody taking ownership,

    The guy delivering a guitar to the RTP (footage on tv) what is the significance

    What is the significance?

    Just a thought - no more.

    Hiding the possessions of people who are swimming is the sort of prank young people get up to, especially when they have had a few drinks.

    The victims of the prank do not always see the funny side, again especially if they have had a few drinks.Things get out of control They get angry...argue...fight and....?? It happens. Add to that the possibility of getting the wrong pranksters.

    Not saying this is what happened, but it is not impossible.

  14. Just some more factual information. I am holding the project bylaws in my hand from 2009 on file at the Land Office as part of the project registration process. The developer calls himself a co-owner but there are two separate clauses regarding rates, one for us and one for unsold units (him).

    Regulations (bylaws) must comply with Thai Law. Those do not and are ultra viras.

  15. Maintenance fees are based on a ratio on the share of ownership of common area. This should be in your condo regulations and should also be available from Lands Office, The developer has no right to pay only 50%.

    The competent official is the Lands Office. You can try a complaint there and if that gets nowhere try City Hall. As a last result you can get a lawyer and go to the Consumer Protection Court in Pratamnack.

    Good luck.

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