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Posts posted by CRUNCHER

  1. 1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

    I just did my update a few minutes ago at Jomtien.


    I needed photocopies of the Facepage of my passport as well as the page showing the most recent Extension of Stay stamp.

    As well, I need photocopies of the "name page" of my bankbook (which shows the account number and your name) as well as the page with the most recent balance.

    I also needed the "appointment" page that they gave me when I did my extension.

    Naturally, you have to sign all the photocopies.


    Note: I updated my (Fixed Term) bankbook at a machine near Jomtien Immigration a few minutes before I went there. The machine did NOT print today's date when it updated the book. It did print the last transaction (an interest payment deposited just over 3 weeks ago) and it printed when the next "due date" was for the Fixed Term (which is in 2020).

    I spoke to the guy at the front desk and he told me I needed to make a "100 baht deposit" so that the update would show today's date but you can't do that with a Fixed Term (at an ATM machine) as far as I know.

    However, I spoke to a woman that handles the "bankbook" check and explained it to her. She wanted to see the actual bankbook.

    She saw that the update noted the next "due date" (being August 2020) and said that was good enough. She then checked that I had all my other photocopies (signed) and had me sign the "appointment" sheet and that was it.

    To be on the safe side though, I'd go to a bank branch (when it's open) and get them to do the book update. I think the command they use to update the book then prints the current date whereas the machine outside only seems to print the date of the last transaction on the account. 

    No need to make a deposit.  Just update at an ATM, even with fixed deposit. The bank book will show the balance on the date you updated.  At least that is what I did for Jomtien.

  2. On 5/11/2019 at 9:57 AM, kinyara said:

    Did mine about 1 hour after Pilotman yesterday, I wish they would stop anyone who is not actually submitting any form of application from entering the front door. The amount of partners/families walking around like headless chickens contributing nothing to the process really clogs the place up and adds to the general chaos in there. Yesterday was the worst Id experienced in 3 years. I was expecting it to be quiet but contrary to the Thai Visa doom merchants predicting a mass exodus due to new income rules they were still queuing in their droves to stay in Thailand.

    I was thinking the same thing when I was waiting for my turn last week. It is not only the space, but these women kept interrupting the staff who were trying to work.

  3. 1 hour ago, Leaver said:

    It's an interesting scenario.


    Effectively, it means expats on the 800k/400k method could be locked in to their particular bank, because there could be 1 day out of the 365 days that the balance falls below 400k, which then makes a problem come next extension application. 

    In my case  can keep current account going until after the next extension and then close it. I would need to open a second account 3 months before the next extension on more favourable terms.


    I can afford it, but what a hassle. What I hate is the fact that I am not completely sure I need to go down this road, but I do not want to risk the alternative.  I feel sorry for those who cannot afford to do this.


    Common sense from the Immigration Department might be an oxymoron, but common "Big Aud"...... get real!!!!!!!

  4. Was at Jomtien today for retirement extension - money in the bank on fixed deposit.  Told to bring my bank book in on 5th August.


    As I had hoped to change the term of my fixed deposit to accommodate the new requirements, which would require a new bank book, I asked the lady could I move the money to a new account at the same bank.  Was told that definitely I had to bring the same bank book for the same account with the money still in it. 


    I can't confirm the accuracy of what I was told; I can only confirm what I was told.

  5. The trouble with finger prints is that some time the reader, the system or even the thumb print goes wrong or otherwise malfunctions. There is therefore need of a backup procedure and this is typically a PIN. Once you have a PIN the fingerprints aspect can be circumvented.


    My wife and I sometime swap i Phones which can be opened with a thumb print.  We can get into each others phones with the PIN.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Jip99 said:


    Unusual - based on many stories I have heard about contact with the IPC. I know of 3 people who's pension payment were immediately restored.


    I have personally found them helpful on a couple of "what if" enquiries.


    Always polite/helpful - even if soalbundy may be right about the BS factor ????

    If you know 3 people whose pensions were stopped, how many more are there that you do not know about?


    "..immediately restored." is fine, but they should not have been stopped in the first place. GG DWP are clearly in a mess and need to get their act together. They should stop suspending payments until they can.

    • Like 2
  7. 16 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

    I sent mine rather late in the certification time frame and it was signed as received on 26 November 2018 (16 weeks and one day after the date of their notice). In mid December I received a letter from them dated 27 November 2018 telling me they had stopped my pension.


    I phoned them up and told them that my reply was one day late but they had rather jumped the gun and sent a letter only two days after my certificate was due and one day after it was in their hands.


    The call centre lady apologised and agreed they should not have sent the pension-stopped letter so quickly. She confirmed that they had received my certification before they sent out their letter. She made some enquiries and confirmed that after they had sent out the stop letter they had recognised the certificate's arrival, confirmed it was all in order (signed by a local falang teacher friend without any official stamp) and had released the stop on my pension. Accordingly I was told that I would not in fact miss the 4 weekly payment that they had briefly and wrongly intended to stop.



    Dunno why they are sending these stop letters so quickly when their systems for logging receipts is obviously not up to the requirements of such a rapid fire response. At least this respondent was very civil about International Pension Service's failure and at least they are reversing stop decisions even once they have cleared receipt of a certificate.

    At least you got a letter; I got nothing but an empty space in my bank account.


    I am lucky, because I do not depend on my UK pension. Some people, however, do and I feel sorry for them due to this complete lack of quality service. There is no excuse whatsoever.

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  8. I sent my Proof of Life certificate in September whilst I was in UK.  Has it witnessed in a Job Center, where the guy who signed it said he had often done it. No problem I thought.


    Pension due on 11th December was not paid.  13th December I sent an E-mail through GGDWP website. 28th December received a reply (hard to work out as there was no punctuation). Basically confirmed my proof of life was received and processed on 12th September, they stopped my pension (two months later), but would now reinstate it. (Punctuation mine.)


    No explanation and no apology.


    Not only hopeless inefficiency, but rude and ignorant bad manners.

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, champa said:

    Prime minister had mentioned Watrfront in November when he was in Pattaya. He said the project is in the legal process. The issues are complicated and should take long time. 

    I think this confirmed that nothing about section 44.

    He also mentioned this case effects on foreign investment. But why not work it right at the first? 


    The situation now, only the developer get in trouble. Pattaya city is a complainant and the developer is the defendant in the encroachment case. 


    Pattaya city has no duty to work with the developer. Pattaya city is the regulator, the key role is to control the construction legally. To do so, Pattaya city ordered the developer to change the buleprints. Once the developer submit the updated blueprint, Pattaya city will inspect the blueprints. If the blueprint illegals then Pattaya city would reject and order the developer to change the blueprints until the blueprint legally. It is not Pattaya city responsibility to advise the developer. The developer should check on all related acts. 

    Thanks.  I didn't the prime minister said so much.


    As regards S44, as I said I can't see it happening.  To use it to end the project would send the wrong message to foreign investors. To use it to finish the project would upset some sections of Thai society.


    As to why it was not done right from the start, this is the big question.  Why Bali Hai/Park Plaza didn't apply to vary the permit at the outset beggars belief. I can only believe they were given wrong advise. I used to know someone who worked for Tulip Group and they were under the impression that they could regularize changes when the project was completed.


    City Hall might not have a legal duty help the developer, but in a civilized country they, under natural justice, would have a responsibility to cooperate and facilitate.  How that plays out in Thailand I do  not know. If you believe Bali Hai, City Hall have not been helpful. City Hall say nothing.  The lack of transparency on the part of City Hall is disgraceful.


    It was December 2017 that Bali Hai said they were considering legal action. They should have done this a long time ago if they think their position is correct.  This is an unusual if not unique situation. The building was constructed and topped off under an old law, but now they have to apply for a new permit under a new law.  How a court will view that only time will tell.


    In the meantime the shell will remain, perhaps for 20 years.



    • Like 2
  10. Thanks again Champa for detailed posts.


    Bali Hai will obviously only complete if the project remains viable. The only obvious solution would be to demolish the low block. Not sure what that would do for viability.


    Bali Hai is already talking about taking legal action.  That could take a few years in a complex case like this.  If they loose there will be bankruptcy; a few more years.  Then there will be demolition.  Heaven knows how long that will take to get done and at what cost and by whom.


    Unless City Hall want to see the status quo maintained for many many years they need to work with the developer.  Bali Hai claim that City Hall is refusing to meet with them.  If true this is not good enough.


    Of course cooperation and flexibility is required from Bali Hai.


    The only other answer is Section 44.  Can't see that happening though.


    • Like 2
  11. 42 minutes ago, pattayadude said:


    If the total space has already been divided to 400 rooms which it has, it's  impossible to go back and redesign them to larger spaces to reduce the total of rooms to 315 to match the plans.

    The only way out is to forget the hotel and either demolish or keep it but vacant in order  to be legal.


    But this question still hurts my brain..How can one overbuild in a previously allowed and approved shape at a certain height and width? You can't put more than 1 liter in a 1 liter bottle...

    You need to build it wider or higher to have extra 5000 sqm space

    Can someone explain???


    You make some good points.


    I have always been skeptical that the overbuild is as much as 5000 square meters. 13% for heaven sake. The removal of 5 floors that allegedly City Hall accepted would not account for that much floor space. I have speculated before about usable/non-usable floor space leading to a technical overbuild.


    You will recall all the false allegations that have been made before. Too high - it is not; too close to the sea - it is not; too close to the road - it is not; land titles not in order -  they are; encroachment - yes a small one by the sales office that will eventually be demolished.


    One allegation not made is that the footprint is bigger than permitted.  Without this I cannot see how a 5000 square meter overbuild is possible.


    It is a big shame that City Hall refuse to give their version.  Do they have something to hide??

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