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Everything posted by Northstar1

  1. Perhaps you should get an education visa and learn how to write a proper paragraph, with proper punctuation! Thats one hell of a long sentence you just wrote! ????
  2. Typo Iran drone factory
  3. It seems that a drone ( or bad smoking habits ????) are the cause of a massive explosion at an orange drone factory that has been supplying the Russian genocide ????????????????????
  4. Do you actually believe that the US and other NATO countries aren’t involved? Really? foreign fighters have already been captured and released, many killed. when the Moskva was sunk, the US aerial survalance jet was circling in the region. do you think it’s the Ukrainians that are supplying target info for the himars rockets? the US knows exactly how many Iranian drones were sent to Russia! 2300ish I believe. and the train that went to North Korea and returned to Russia loaded with weapons! it wasn’t kimchi! the US know when Putin <deleted> last and how many sheets of <deleted> he used, don’t kid yourself!
  5. Not according to those living their retirement dream in Chang mai! one expat even said it’s from burning rice, it’s organic and good for you????
  6. I can only hope that Russia makes the mistake of attacking a NATO country. Then we can give the Ivan’s exactly what they deserve! It’s time we dealt with this country once and for all
  7. Waiting for Britmantoo to tell us he can see across the street, so the air is great! but then again who cares about the pollution? It’s all about booze hookers and weed!
  8. easy to spot by their looks. you can spot a Russian male a mile away, never smile, never an expression, just a blank face. put 3 Russians at a football game with 60,000 people, they will be spotted within seconds!
  9. The news didn’t have to name a nationality, it’s a given where they were from! sad really!
  10. Yea, pattaya. Dump central! it attracts all the winners!
  11. U nailed it! unbeleivable in this day and age how wild dogs roam the streets, great for tourism
  12. It doesn’t take away from the fact. If you don’t have the insurance or money to live abroad, then don’t do it! just because it’s cheaper to live abroad, you can’t expect to be taken care of when things go south! the west has such places to take care of the elderly. no compassion from me. it’s different if you have a wife , etc, someone to take care of yourself when the grim reaper stands above you, but to leave your country because it’s simply cheaper doesn’t make it right for the Thais to have to take care of them. that’s why the 400k to 800k is in place. another rubber visa or overstay? just because dads old and broke doesn’t make it right to send him to Thailand, thailand has become a dumping ground for a certain demographic of people, retired or not. this is exactly why they are looking at a higher class of tourist- expat etc. can’t blame them, would anyone want these types to move next door to your house in the west or anywhere for that matter? compassion is free, when it’s warranted, not in this case.
  13. Can’t get insurance? And have no money? go home! what about the $400k or $800k for a visa? without proper planning and money, Thailand isn’t a retirement destination, only a place to spend your early retirement years.
  14. Very very selfish of the individual. he knew he was sick, or at that age it’s inevitable, no funds? No backup plan? it’s hard to believe that his family is that skint and not being able to help!
  15. Not quite, but soon! rather than checking for overstayers, perhaps they should be checking for insurance, if none then send them home! what about yesterday? A man from the UK has dementia and wants to come to Thailand? we can read about him soon!
  16. Should have never happened! thailand is no place for older people with no insurance no pity from me! we’ll be reading another similar story tomorrow
  17. Highest I’ve seen in North America has been around 35 ish thats strict government testing
  18. 77 with dementia? stay home! thailand certainly isn’t the place to go.
  19. Breathing toxic air doesn’t kill immediately Einstein! It takes years! do yourself a favour and do some research before making a fool of yourself!????
  20. Yet another from the UK living the dream, what’s next? a YouTube channel?
  21. Just because you can see across the street doesn’t make it safe!
  22. It’s the pollution! period!
  23. Great question! The mountain views? Hard to see in ???? burning season! actually a very boring city, moved away when the smoke started, couldn’t understand why people would live in such a place? didn’t retire to move to a city and put my health in jeopardy! never ever forget an expat telling me it’s rice burning, it’s organic and good for you! to the O.P, quit bitching and move!
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