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Everything posted by Northstar1

  1. It of course it’s your retirement dream, who wouldn’t want to spend their golden years in a polluted sesspool! Sad to hear you’re stuck there!
  2. No, perfectly healthy, but coughing and sinus infections were the early warning. didn’t wait for anything more serious, which by the way was coming! im too intelligent to wait! why would I or anyone for that matter? wearing a mask, and spending my time indoors with air purifiers wasn’t my retirement dream! I didn’t work hard all my life for that! is that your retirement dream? I feel sorry for you! ????????????‍♂️
  3. Myself and several friends developed health issues from the pollution, and my doctor told me to get out ASAP! simply not worth it. too many places to retire. Don’t understand the draw of Chang nobyl!????????‍♂️????????‍♂️????
  4. Sure glad I got the hell out of there and never made the mistake of buying
  5. My sister recently visited northern Thailand. She said it was terrible, never to return because of the pollution. She went to the east coast of Vietnam, hue,danang Hoi an , air quality index was 13. Having a great time!
  6. Living the dream in Thailand!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  7. Never seen an expat admit to the bad air in Chang mai? ????????‍♂️???????? stay indoors, wear a mask, buy a fourth air purifier, , it’s not so bad, I can see across the street. Glad I moved here , it’s a great place! Cough cough
  8. Family friendly resort, world class! ????????????‍♂️ he fits right in with the rest of the winner’s living there!
  9. Vlad will react? he said that a year ago! react to nato sending ammo react to nato sending air defence teact to nato sending drones react to nato sending tanks etc etc Total BS
  10. Fact is a large percentage of Russian people are for the war! just remember, Putin ain’t shootin! I wish nothing but horrendous suffering to every Russian man woman and child!
  11. That’s because you are so used to pollution, hazardous or dangerous air quality levels seem normal! don’t kid yourself!????????????????‍♂️
  12. The bright lights of Asia wore of pretty quickly. I had free health care thru work, but realized I was in anything but a step backwards, back to Canada and live the snow bird dream, so many nice places to visit. but nothing compares to waking up and breathing clean air, drinking clean tap water. Walking down a sidewalk that’s not broken, no hanging wires, no wild packs of feral dogs laying around, clean food and restaurants inspected by the health department, being able to cross the street and cars actually stop. going fishing, hunting in my backyard! Didn’t realize how good I had it till I landed back home! true paradise!
  13. 2 months a year, maybe 10 years ago, not recently since I left, it’s a polluted <deleted> hole
  14. Perhaps to a country destination where their children can grow up without being subjected to deadly air quality? but perhaps some peoples children aren’t that important? lots of jobs around the world for professionals! thete had never been a time for such demand! Unless we backed ourselves into a corner with no plan b? nasty situation to be in, now isn’t it Brew? ????????
  15. I have spent much time on the eastern side of Vietnam, the air is by far some of the cleanest in SEA.
  16. It’s only 23 times higher than the WHO guidelines? That’s not so bad the expats say. Just don’t go outdoors, breathe beside your air purifiers, wear a mask, I’m so happy I retired here????????????????‍♂️????????‍♂️????????????
  17. Many doctors lawyers green berets, SAS members, etc on this forum. why pay for a doctor with all the professional advice here?????????‍♂️ and it’s all free! I mean it’s nothing serious, only his health!
  18. Can you imagine someone actually raising a family and subjecting their children to this filth! what kind of a human would want to do this? I can understand Thais, having no where else to go, but a foreigner? ????????
  19. And people continue to Say its only bad for a month!???????????? I’ve lived there, don’t BS me! Just because you can see across the street doesn’t make it good.
  20. The majority is great, and the other months are dangerous and toxic! ????????????????‍♂️????????‍♂️ can’t fix stupid now can we? I was one that also tried to convince myself what a great place it was. but got the hell out of dodge before I suffered more health issues. but far too many beautiful places in the world with no poison air!
  21. Perhaps if you didn’t live in such an unhealthy environment, you would still be hiking, etc, and enjoying yourself outdoors instead of the life you have? ????????‍♂️ Again, why live in such a place?
  22. Sounds like a great place! stay inside? living the dream! ????????????‍♂️????????‍♂️
  23. Living the retirement dream in Chang nobyl? air quality is deadly! why would anyone try to convince themselves it’s a great place?
  24. Fact is, the Thai men hate foreigners! they love a good beat down!
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