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Everything posted by Northstar1

  1. Can’t trust Putin or anything Russian. don’t kid yourself, the vast majority of the people are for the genocide, not against it! as the new mobilization starts I can just imagine the thoughts of the Russians sitting on the beach in Thailand, knowing what awaits them upon returning to their country! slava Ukraine
  2. Clandestine operations are happening not only in Russia, but all over the world. No oligarchs are safe or anyone against or with Putin! Slava Ukraine
  3. It’s a catch 22situation raise wages and give benefits, then listen to everyone whine about prices going up! then Thailand isn’t a cheap destination anymore, not that it is now.
  4. Why carry it if your worried? It’s legal, but it where you’re going! ????????‍♂️
  5. Yes, airfares are thru the roof compared to pre Covid. I can’t believe how much they have gone up. For Canadians the cost of airfare alone to Thailand gets me a direct flight and holiday to a much closer destination in the Caribbean or similar.
  6. Vietnam is by far the new up and comer, but as for visa? very very friendly people, enjoy your extended stay wherever you decide to go, but eventually you will have to go home as health will decide how far and long you will last in Asia,
  7. Yes wind direction is quite important when using bear spray!!!!
  8. CM dad, as in Chang mai dad? polluted beaches are not your thing? but you have chosen to live in one of the most polluted cities in the world- air pollution! you sure got your priorities straight! ????????????????‍♂️????????‍♂️
  9. If your going to jump, may as well do it right and try a higher floor, then you can join the pattaya high flyers club
  10. Vietnam is a big country , I have taken the train from Hanoi to danang, big beach thete and only 30 minutes to Hoi an, where an nang beach is. From danang to Hoi an thete are countless high end resorts along the ocean.
  11. Hanging out in the air conditioned malls is what I see, really SFA to do here. Balcony jumping?
  12. World class family destination
  13. I spoke with a friend in Vietnam, he says there are many many Russian males as well as families going there for longer term. He is in the real estate rental business.
  14. No doubt! I can’t handle the incessant heat. Maybe I’m getting old.
  15. Each country has its plus and minuses, just learn to adapt. although not fully willing to leave Canada ( one of the nicest places in the world) I travel the winter months and have found that Vietnam is getting more of my time now! wonderful people that actually seem happy to have me visit their country , educated younger class, that can actually carry on a intelligent conversation,
  16. A great retirement destination? really? ????
  17. Peaceful demonstration? how would you like 100s of truckers parked outside your house honking horns all night long? Or the others blocking the bridge in Windsor halting millions of dollars in trade every hour? trudeau was elected because the people had enough of the conservatives! Rinse and repeat for the next election
  18. Thanks for the reply Sheryl, at least one person on this forum has knowledge of such conditions. the other computer doctors should be taken with a grain of salt
  19. Make every Russian man woman and child suffer
  20. If the Russian people didn’t start this mess it wouldn’t have happened! more innocent people are dying, tit for tat? bomb the farg out of Russian cities and infrastructure! make their innocent people suffer as well!
  21. Article 5 has now come into effect, Russia has bombed a NATO member! it’s time for retribution and end this Russian genocide!
  22. If you need to ask this question, perhaps an education is what you are lacking?
  23. Living is being able to enjoy things that one can hope in their golden years. perhaps a nice meal, travel, going to a nice place with a significant other. Have money for an emergency, medical treatment etc.being a contributing member of society, not waiting for the day when they need a go fund me page. Those days come for everyone, walk around pattaya- Soi big cow and you’ll see what existing means!
  24. I have seen this too many times to count, it’s actually sad, people existing , not living, thailand attracts them from all over the world.
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