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Everything posted by Northstar1

  1. Sounds like expats in Thailand
  2. I have. Can you broaden my horizons and inform me on rape and murder of female tourists in the Philippines! such as in Thailand?
  3. Your decision to live there! And let me guess, you built a home there as well? ????‍♀️
  4. Enjoy your retirement!
  5. Would you suggest ko Tau for a single female? I never heard of rape and murder in the Philippines!
  6. Europeans would be speaking German and Russian and so would those from the UK be thankful the Americans have our back’s no backbone from any other countries!
  7. Borders should be closed to every Russian! im not American but am grateful for them policing the world, where would we be if they weren’t playing mall cop? thank them for the freedom we are all enjoying, I don’t see any other countries stepping up to the plate
  8. Terrible situation, the 3 day war has turned into a huge mess, in every aspect,
  9. My exs family has 3 mango farms, they survived for decades as their only income. A Chinese company would come in, buy whole crop and their workers would pick them, mom would oversee the operation as to not get ripped off. this was before Covid
  10. Go to the nursing homes, more your age class, bars in pattaya should be the last place to be looking
  11. The joys of buying in Thailand! rent
  12. Kick him in the balls and run
  13. Vietnam is becoming the Silicon Valley of Asia. It has a much younger better educated population that isn’t afraid of work. I can actually carry on an educated conversation with a young Vietnamese person! not just where u from? how long you come Thailand? u buy me drink? Many big tech companies are moving there to capitalize on the highly educated young population
  14. Being able to see across the street doesn’t mean the air quality is good! But it does in Chang nobyl!????
  15. Obviously a different scenario, if he had family in Thailand he wouldn’t be in this situation now would he Einstein?
  16. Thailand is no place for elderly people! Sooner or later the same scenario will haunt everyone! go home while you still have the means, and your family won’t have to deal with this.
  17. I’m quite sure that a brown envelope is all you need ,
  18. Lay off the crack pipe buddy! russia has tried to keep civilian casualties to a minimum? like the bucha massacres? leveling Mariupol to the ground? what an assenine comment! get an education before you make a comment’
  19. Yes any ED drug is available. they will show you name brand first but ask for generic, can’t remember offhand but very very cheap.
  20. You reap what you sew! send them all back! why would any country want them? What are you smoking? welcome Russians? ???????? you certainly can’t be serious! close the borders!
  21. As a Ukrainian Canadian I can tell you I have no use for any Russian! nobody I have talked to in Canada, USA, Australia has any use for ANY Russian! even the mental midget of Moscow wouldn’t be so stupid as to pull any <deleted> that he is threatening, nato will respond in a devastating manner! russias military capabilities have already been drastically reduced, it’s been humiliating the way their military has performed! hopefully he gets neutralized by his own people before he sends more to their deaths.
  22. A chocolate milkshake? Is this before or after a joint? your posts never surprise me, did they prescribe this remedy at the government hospitals you frequent? ????????????????‍♂️????????‍♂️????????
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