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Everything posted by Northstar1

  1. Northstar1

    Soi 6 beatdown

    More well behaved Brit’s I see!
  2. They had to encroach, Russia invaded Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea, eastern Ukraine! What’s next? thank god nato did this. Russia would be steamrolling Eastern Europe if they didn’t!
  3. That’s why men go to Thailand, they can’t get a sniff back home!
  4. If Russia stops fighting, the war is over! if Ukraine stops fighting, there is no Ukraine! putin says he wants Ukraine to surrender part of their country! who would do this? Would you? putin has already taken 20 percent of Georgia. Chechnya, Crimea, eastern Ukraine! what’s next?
  5. No one can tell me it’s comfortable in hot season!🤦🙅🏼‍♂️👎
  6. The way they act, most get turfed back home or go to jail! Great news!
  7. But the expats continue to argue that it is heaven on earth
  8. I have no use for any Russian! if they closed the borders from the start of this mess , perhaps these cowards would have protested, rather than running and this would be over!
  9. Wow! You really seem to be enjoying yourself! Wish I could retire to a place where I can where a gas mask! BTW change your dirty shirt and get a haircut! We all know the real reason your there🤔🤔😂
  10. So sad they have no plan b, I left myself after health issues, not worth sacrificing my life ! and no. Retirement is not staying indoors with air purifiers on or going out for a walk with a mask on! I didn’t spend my whole life working hard to subject myself to the all that! far too many first world countries to retire in!
  11. Funny thing is, it’s the same people bitching about the smog every year, but they continue to live there! quit the bitching and move! problem solved!
  12. The whole country is nothing but a garbage dump!
  13. But the expats continue to tell us what a great place it is to live!
  14. Well said!👍 Do the Russians not think there could be payback for what they have done?
  15. Thai male’s simply don’t want anything to do with falang. Unless it has to do with a beating. Polar opposite in Vietnam, they call me over to sit with them and offer me food and drink.
  16. Thais are just filthy people that don’t care, it’s really quite sad! the whole country is nothing but a garbage dump!
  17. Great place to retire!😂🤦🤷🏻‍♂️ still those that defend it. Must have made the mistake of buying there!
  18. Vietnam has by far the friendliest people and accommodation and women are much cheaper than Thailand. it’s a very beautiful country!
  19. Great retirement destination 😉🙅🏼‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤦😂
  20. It’s bad, and only getting worse!
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