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Everything posted by Northstar1

  1. Many doctors lawyers green berets, SAS members, etc on this forum. why pay for a doctor with all the professional advice here?????????‍♂️ and it’s all free! I mean it’s nothing serious, only his health!
  2. Can you imagine someone actually raising a family and subjecting their children to this filth! what kind of a human would want to do this? I can understand Thais, having no where else to go, but a foreigner? ????????
  3. And people continue to Say its only bad for a month!???????????? I’ve lived there, don’t BS me! Just because you can see across the street doesn’t make it good.
  4. The majority is great, and the other months are dangerous and toxic! ????????????????‍♂️????????‍♂️ can’t fix stupid now can we? I was one that also tried to convince myself what a great place it was. but got the hell out of dodge before I suffered more health issues. but far too many beautiful places in the world with no poison air!
  5. Perhaps if you didn’t live in such an unhealthy environment, you would still be hiking, etc, and enjoying yourself outdoors instead of the life you have? ????????‍♂️ Again, why live in such a place?
  6. Sounds like a great place! stay inside? living the dream! ????????????‍♂️????????‍♂️
  7. Living the retirement dream in Chang nobyl? air quality is deadly! why would anyone try to convince themselves it’s a great place?
  8. It would be a cold day in hell before an Ivan seen a cent from me!
  9. Been to Vietnam several times, yes they have bad visa restrictions,due to illegals working there, but I have found the people to be some of the friendliest I have ever met. younger people are far more educated, than Thailand, they seem genuinely happy to have me in their country. And their woman are by far heads above the Thai woman! I have nothing but great things to say about the country. I spend more time there now than Thailand. have heard very very few negative things from any tourist or expats living there. the males are very friendly, unlike the Thai men that thrive on beating foreigners and simply hate them!
  10. It could be an inline check valve. if the check valve is passing water, the pressure will drop causing the pump to activate. I just replaced the check valve that was built into the pump, problem solved.????????‍♂️
  11. I left because of the pollution, and health problems associated with this. living with masks? Lockdown inside with air purifiers? really?????????????‍♂️ sounds like a great place to retire! ????????‍♂️????????‍♂️
  12. I’ve rented Airbnbs aplenty, as far as being charged for illegal business? ???????????????? I’ve read about this for years! Nothing happens. the owners simply tell me, if anyone asks, you’re my friend, I am not renting to you. no law against friends or family staying at your place! BTW, I always respect the property as if it were my own. And also the neighbors.
  13. Yes, I agree, the older expats get the thousand yard stare! so much for the golden years !
  14. Nothing like sitting outside having a cold drink and choking on pollution ????????????????????‍♂️????
  15. Pollution and very boring! never understood the attraction. ????????‍♂️????????‍♂️
  16. Too much booze, tends to not lead to anything positive! Especially in Thailand just saying! ????????????‍♂️ but again, why beat the <deleted> out of him? couldn’t they just apprehend him and call police? fact is they thrive on beating foreigners.
  17. Hundreds? I was thinking more in the thousands! Very few I see around would be anyone I would hang with! just a rough bunch! thailand attracts them like pigs to <deleted>!????????????‍♂️
  18. You must be using very low end weed! if you were to use- eat 3-4 grams of Canadian bud, you would be incapacitated, period!
  19. All Russian people must be held accountable, innocent or not! putin ain’t shootin! it’s the Russian people that are committing the atrocities! most are for the war! guns don’t kill people, Russians kill people! it’s their choice to pull the trigger, it’s in their blood to kill!
  20. It’s not just the sugar, have you ever watched a Thai cook? It’s nonstop adding this and that, splash of this, splash of that etc etc! Very unhealthy!
  21. Mango Thai restaurant in Kingston Ontario the Penang curry is outstanding as well as other dishes!
  22. I tend to agree with your thinking, cheap ingredients and full of sugars etc. certainly not healthy. best Thai food I have had was in Canada. thai family owned restaurants using quality ingredients. And the health department doing regular inspections,( as in every establishment) then a grade is posted in the front window! fabulous food. bangkok does have great Thai restaurants but with this quality comes price! can’t expect much for 60-80 baht now can we?
  23. Pretty sad to see the pollution issues every year. It’s not getting any better. Cheap places ain’t good, good places ain’t cheap! Health is number one! time to make an intelligent decision! ????
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