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Thomas KH

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Everything posted by Thomas KH

  1. Conditions for sponsors Sponsors must live in the Schengen member country for which the visitor visa is sought For Slovakia, sponsors must have a Slovak ID (Občiansky Preukaz) Sponsors must earn the minimum wage gross income Couples acting as sponsors must jointly earn the minimum wage You must also complete a proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation form Schengen visa rules are uniform so you can expect identical sponsorship requirements EU-wide. If you are accepted as a sponsor, you will be required to submit certain guarantees that must be properly attested to by a notary public. Consequences of the visa holder failing to abide by the visa's conditions or absconding after the visa lapses would be financially testing for you. Among them are the cost of repatriation of the visa holder (if located) and blacklisting your particulars which effectively prevents you from ever sponsoring another third country national for a Schengen visa. In the event of the visa holder "vanishing" in Slovakia or anywhere in the EU, authorities will first focus on you, the sponsor, and will assume your involvement in the disappearance.
  2. A few days ago I found this: https://sistacafe.com/summaries/2902 There are actually how-to websites for bagging falangs and what to watch out for.
  3. So sad. Reading this makes me depressed. Brings back sad memories of a friend of mine in Germany. Was always happy, exuded an infectious and enviable self-confidence and was a joy to be and have around. Then one day it was all over. I read his obituary and found out later that he was rejected by all the medical schools he applied to. Yes, Germany too. Frightening numbers. An average of 1 every hour. https://www.abendblatt.de/nachrichten/article211843431/Alle-53-Minuten-ein-Suizid.html
  4. With mathematical certainty, it won't be 200K, despite the slap being far more painful and face-losing than a grope.
  5. Oh my word. Wildly extorted, made famous, Google-able for posterity and still facing charges? I wouldn't pay if I were him. The goal of that charge threat is to extract more money. Sit it out, then deport. Not the end of the world. Greedy "victim" gets nothing. He who laughs last laughs loudest.
  6. Reminds me of a cancelled flight and airline staff being cold, dismissive and unhelpful. I looked for alternative flights and booked the next available one and I was outta there. Phone + credit card are all you need for a solution. Always have backup sources of funds. They come in very handy during such dreadful moments. Got a refund but took ages. Not worth stressing over it.
  7. 200k for a non-penetrative sexual offence. That's $5500. No wonder she didn't accept his initial offer of settlement. There was an agenda all along.
  8. That's the official law. The un-official one reads: Section 136. Insulting an Official "Whoever insults an official shall first be fined more than two thousand Baht, then executed."
  9. Oh no... i just had a blood test and i'm now going to have a COVID test done to rule this out.
  10. Sorry to hear about your experience but it's comforting to know that this is a common source of frustration. Germans too are tearing their hair out with the bank I have accounts and cards with: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.dkb.de I am especially mindful with how I use the app, keeping transfers to a minimum because in the event of a nightmarish situation happening, nobody can be reached. Calling is pointless. After an hour of waiting, calls are inexplicably dropped.
  11. Reminds me of my experience. I misplaced my Kasikorn credit card (yes, the one with a credit limit and not a debit card) and when I applied for a replacement, the lady I was directed to by the Ploenchit branch's front desk staff looked at my passport with a scowl/smirk and said I'm not supposed to have this card as I no longer hold a work permit (I applied for the card when I still had one). So I told her the card is still valid and it's secured by a fixed term deposit as collateral. The only issue was I misplaced the card and all I wanted was a replacement card. I wasn't applying for a new card. "Cannooooooot. No have work permit" was the response with that look of having smelled rotting fish. She then flipped through pages of my passport, looking at not just Thai immigration stamps but my entire travel history. Asked for my passport back and went to the EmQuartier branch. Got it sorted quickly and the replacement card was available for collection a few days later.
  12. Thank you very much, Sheryl. I will have a blood test done on Monday. Is there a specific test to check for B12 deficiency? I ask as I had one done before but it was for a total cholesterol test. Yes, I am vegetarian.
  13. Thank you. I actually suspected this but when I mentioned this to the ENT, she quickly dismissed it, literally zipped my mouth. I have a feeling she really wants me to buy one of those Phonak CROS devices for 100k+ baht. She did check ear canal (clear, no impacted earwax) and the eardrum which is intact. She showed me a video of it. Looked nice and normal. About the Vitamin B12, thanks for this suggestion. I bought two bottles and will take them religiously.
  14. Thanks. Mine is more pronounced because my right ear is deaf. I also read about the cochlear implant and also something about a bone conduction device which I am reluctant to resort to. The CROS device perhaps (offered to me for 115k baht) but I will wait and see if this deafness is really permanent.
  15. Mine is a constant ringing but sometimes subsides to a less intrusive but still very irritating high pitched continuous tone. Regardless, it's always there and it takes immense effort to ignore it.
  16. They did some medical and audiology tests today and the Canada-trained Thai ENT says it is most likely permanent deafness. This came as a shock. One ear gone at 40. I might ask for a second opinion in Europe.
  17. Thank you. I will ask at Bumrungrad. I'm tempted to return to Germany to see a specialist but I'm hoping to avoid the trip if local help is available. At just 40 I hope this is not permanent deafness. I'd be devastated.
  18. First, thank you for this forum and for allowing me to join as a member. Around the last week of July I woke up one morning with one ear deaf (the right ear). Not 100% deaf. I can still hear a weak muffled sound when I snap my fingers near the ear. My left ear is fully functional. I went to an ENT doctor and he thinks it's a cochlear inflammation. No impacted earwax. He showed me a video of the ear canal and even my eardrum which was intact. I was prescribed corticosteriod pills which were of no help. It's nearly the end of August and I'm still deaf on my right ear. What bothers me most is this constant and nonstop high pitched ringing in the ear. It's 24/7 and I'm spared the torture only when I sleep. It's destroying me mentally. Does anyone know of any specialists in Bangkok for this condition? Thank you in advance for any advice.
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