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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. I'm a liberal my cause is Democracy. kowtowing
  2. Here's a rational thought masks help prevent the spread of the virus.
  3. William Bendix
  4. Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148 million for false 2020 election claims Two of his main men Manafort and now Rudy g scum yet the orange one gets to run . Americans are too complacent to stand up to the seditious Fascists hoping that the system will take care of them -it will not. I prefer a Civil War now to save Democracy or maybe joe can declare the election rigged and refuse to leave.Hopefully he wins OUTRIGHT.
  5. It is not; nor has it ever been most Americans.
  6. Spider -better opponent ? What's the problem with Joe
  7. I like 2 of the resident dogs I don't want them to get hurt.
  8. So Did not sleep much because apparently 2 dogs have invaded the area across the street and are fighting the 2 resident dogs and the little female . I have already yelled at them twice once it worked the other time they just sat down .In America (believe me I'm know I'm not in America -this would be an episode from Neighbor wars) . The people that own the resident dogs don't seem to give a s##t about their dogs and I don't know where the other 2 dogs came from.the female and the one male resident dog come visit me every day and I feel bad for them. In America I had a CCW (-I'm a liberal )for the express purpose of protecting my dogs . In America you can shoot a dog that attacks your dog -I came close twice. The 2 invading dogs need to be driven away but they are pretty determined and well built.
  9. Will do thanks for your help.
  10. I didn't take the add on , but I changed the deductible to 1,000 so it was 550$ for the coverage period. I didn't see anything about "One thing to check into is whether the plan allows you to enrol after the trip has started, since it sounds like you are already in Thailand. So do, some don't" It stated that the policy goes into effect today.
  11. Wherever you go for the rest of your life you must prove you're a man.
  12. $860 for coverage from today to end of March -pretty reasonable -no? Seven Corners
  13. "One thing to check into is whether the plan allows you to enrol after the trip has started, since it sounds like you are already in Thailand. So do, some don't" Yes thank you very much -good tip.
  14. Yes " we " need people that kowtow to the orange Fascist rather then follow the Constitution No "we" need people that follow the Constitution.
  15. Okay ,thanks I emailed them.
  16. Yes she should be judged on her fathers actions she is not her own person -what bs.
  17. Wow you have all the catchy little phrase so cute not much substance though -no surprise. He doesn't pay his bills -pay attention
  18. Pathetic post -he was the one crying last election quite the "snowflake" Keep loving the beach
  19. Why are they too old? DT is too Fascist to be President that is the only thing that matters now -too bad many Americans and journalists can't see the forest for the trees. Very naive .
  20. We have some very well informed members on here recommendations for travel /medical insurance will be here 3 more months then going back to US for court proceedings . What is the best plan for me ? Reasonably good health over 62 I just got a quote form GEO Blue 1600$ 10,000 deductible. thanks for your assistance look forward to helpful insight on plans
  21. Here we go with the BS ,so you are familiar with the regimentation of the population in Thailand ?Are you familiar with the longstanding practice of wearing masks to prevent the transmission of germs in Asia ? to guard against foul air? Or do you believe the evil Dr Fauci came as a guest speaker to indoctrinate the youth? What question do you want them to ask ? Why are we wearing masks -they already know.Maybe you should know or have you been indoctrinated to despise science and intellectuals -are you a card carrying member of the Republican Party?Why are we wearing masksWTF are you talking about -do you even know? What a sad freaking comment.
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