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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. The answer is obvious to anyone that understands and supports Democracy. For those that don't i have two words
  2. I don't remember anyone form "the Left" which apparently is anyone that isn't a Fascist calling either one a wannabe dictator and a threat to Democracy because neither one is/was.
  3. Actions make it true . He's a traitor ,a seditionist and a babbling narcissist .I just looked at my reflection .
  4. Is that supposed to be funny or just woefully ignorant?
  5. One stands for Democracy the other babbles for the end of Democracy no question mark needed.
  6. "leftist thuggery " Yeah they were leftists on 1/6/21 . Abe Lincoln crushed seditionists trying to compare a orange traitor to him hysterical and pathetic. State media and tech to silence critics -once again hysterical and pathetic. Demented Biden - more hysterics. Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.
  7. An entire party except for a few caved to an ignorant babbling wannabe dictator. He's trash and so are his followers.
  8. Yeah it's the other side that has been engaging in violence typical. Nothing says dictatorship like having the police attack peaceful protestors in Lafayette Square for a photo op. Hey I must have missed the "stiff pushback"
  9. Not so clear and i know what I think ,my post was about what someone else thinks.
  10. Actually no you needn't say more .you are intimidated by non -subservient women.
  11. Yep safety isn't a big concern. Stick to your philosophy car seat was an issue.
  12. Thought the same but don't want to broadcast any ideas; but that is where they could get you.
  13. Much safer in other parts of the world?
  14. Last call at 11pm ,the way the world works is alcohol causes many fights around the world. "Nothing good happens after 12"
  15. A rarity a post with an intelligent cohesive respone
  16. This is satire right? No one could be this brainwashed could they ? It's been a crisis since Nixon was President is he the cultural Marxist to whom you refer? Deprogram
  17. "Immigration has some benefits, when there is merit in the people that immigrate." Great quote your words? If so well done.
  18. That's why some of them are over here Stoner - they have no game . There is a name for them rhymes with Mattel
  19. Apparently you do since you posted on the topic.
  20. What's a lefty someone who supports Democracy?
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