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still kicking

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  1. That is absolute nonsense Why do people pic on Thai, how many people lost their lives in air crashes this year in the US?
  2. https://scontent.fper10-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.1997-6/475792609_1131931148485628_8140870381833219328_n.png?stp=dst-png_s168x128&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=23dd7b&_nc_ohc=NeqiomweJ0YQ7kNvgFn0wCo&_nc_oc=AdinMSHpzNzceJ1vgBGiu65rwodZkEOkRCNnZnPGAD2YueR_gxEIwhnai42GiA9e_Kc&_nc_zt=26&_nc_ht=scontent.fper10-2.fna&_nc_gid=AcMYZagXUimkuTzMcl0tn4s&oh=00_AYAuMZbyf5cHoML6vowzrFEbUiReLP4Kx0dNY7LZHdakWw&oe=67BFDCED
  3. Donald Trump ‘believes America should be an empire’, reversing decades of the world order | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site
  4. America flips: Did the world’s leading democracy just become one of the bad guys? | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site
  5. Yeah, you're living the good life while taking jobs and the livelihood of thousands and thousands and thousands of people without notice. That's definitely worth running around on the stage with a chainsaw. You say you're chopping bureaucracy but you're not showing any receipts and transparency. The statements you've made and the charts that you have shown are definitely not proof of anything. Although your money has bought you through this and through that and the other, this is where you will definitely be blocked along with your money.
  6. No one in the West is
  7. Americans were conned into believing a bad businessman (and felon) was going to make things more affordable. Instead, his agenda is to make sure the wealthy make more and more money while the rest of us struggle. Trump has gone so far that even Republican reps (like Mitch McConnell?!) who supported his reelection are speaking out. Hopefully, even those who voted for Trump will eventually see how these economic policies will be a detriment, not just to them, but to all of us.
  8. I am not surprised you are a Trump supporter but I live it as that.
  9. Who is paying tax if nobody works
  10. So lay off the whole nation and productivity will be great.
  11. Not saying that about Trump Little Donnie is doing a great job of running the US.......into the ground. According to the most recent Gallup poll, his overall approval rating is 45%. Since Gallup has been doing polls, this is the lowest approval rate in February for the start of a term, of any president since 1953. Wow, Mr Popular. Guess people aren't interested in puffy things like, renaming the Gulf of Mexico, or whether they are getting plastic straws. Just maybe they are more interested in inflation, which went up in February and which he guaranteed to fix on taking office but no longer talks about. Can't wait for the March poll, wonder if he could get it down to under 40%. He likes being the best at things, lets hope he can be the best at this.

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