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still kicking

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    here and there

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    where ever I lay my hat

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  1. Yes Comrad
  2. Hahaha can we send all Kiwis back home from Australia ?
  3. Well you better tell all other non-American posters, especially the British ones and Kiwis.
  4. First, he promised to end the Russian invasion of Ukraine “on day one”. Then, after being elected President of the United States, he said it would take “six months”. Why US President Donald Trump’s Ukraine war silence is deafening | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site Kiwis goes nuclear after Donald Trump steals ‘the one thing we did’ and claims it for America Kiwis goes nuclear after Donald Trump steals ‘the one thing we did’ and claims it for America | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site
      • 1
      • Haha
  5. My point is he is a lying felon I am posting Trump BS but that is what he said get over with it you being conned again
  6. hat has Donald Trump said about Ukraine? One of the most talked-about moments from Mr Trump’s recent election campaign was his repeated claims that he could settle the war in Ukraine in the space of 24 hours. What has Donald Trump said about ending the war in Ukraine, and what do Ukrainians think?
  7. https://scontent.fper10-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/473741752_1007873361362596_7052458279122922345_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s640x640_tt6&_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=127cfc&_nc_ohc=vZH2USKi1tUQ7kNvgFRFsW9&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fper10-2.fna&_nc_gid=ATWtsx0pyIE0XIoke5bAPGb&oh=00_AYCSZEwAnGTYrjaNaD0eXlpzUve9Fk9lMim0DkLGD655Vw&oe=67933527
  8. Yeah the temperature dropped tomorrow where I live to 44 Degrees
  9. Is it because you can't afford it?
  10. Thailand will never be like Singapore, so don't hold your breath.
  11. Not invented in Thailand it was around the year 1500 and used in France widely used in Thailand but not invented

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