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still kicking

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Everything posted by still kicking

  1. Wait till he hands the Ukraine to Putin on a silverplate
  2. I left Thailand as well for medical reasons now i got free healthcare free hospital and free doctor visits
  3. Kiwis need 500
  4. So for the first time in my life I fainted (lucky my wife was nearby) I normally have high blood pressure but it went down to about 60 why is that?
  5. You talking trough your back side in OZ we send them back and burn their boats
  6. Do what the Aussies do.
  7. https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/us-politics/frozen-dire-outcome-of-a-trump-win-ukraines-loss-putins-victory-war-in-europe/news-story/978e0a84fd313b3fda7ed86f837d04f6
  8. Article from OZ news The election of Donald Trump could see Ukraine effectively handed over to Vladimir Putin on a silver platter and embolden the dictator to declare war elsewhere in Europe, experts warn. https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/us-politics/frozen-dire-outcome-of-a-trump-win-ukraines-loss-putins-victory-war-in-europe/news-story/978e0a84fd313b3fda7ed86f837d04f6
  9. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2022/12/21/trump-paid-0-in-taxes-in-2020-heres-what-to-know-about-his-tax-returns/
  10. I don't think Trump can run
  11. Absolute right I live in OZ and we get bombarded with what you call news about the banana republic every day
  12. Hahaha the whole world lies
  13. So? half of Russia lives in Phuket
  14. Go back to your mate Putin
  15. Harries 49 Trump 48
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