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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. I have not posted yet but you can count me in.
  2. I would think this is more of a sexual perversion than mental. These people can function in a modern society fairly well. They have made a conscious choice to flaunt their debauchery to a moral society in the hopes that they will be accepted. Unfortunately, many have accepted this depravity in the name of inclusion.
  3. Stupid is as stupid does in Thailand, stupid has no borders.
  4. I have had many motorcycles in my lifetime and even raced motocross for a short period of time. From what I have seen of the Thai drivers including foreigners, I will never get on a motorbike in Thailand. It is a death wish.
  5. It is said that the famous Bruce Lee died of drinking too much water. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/11/bruce-lee-cause-of-death-drinking-too-much-water
  6. "prestigious body?" This is a joke, right? BRICS includes communist Russia and China, far left wing Brazil and basket case South Africa. The U.S. dollars is doing just fine and most of the BRICS countries are in decline. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RTWEXBGS
  7. I thought this was about a man shooting a robot at a Pub. Sounds good to me. I also would like to shoot those robots running serving food.
  8. I will never buy an EV. I very much like internal combustion engines.
  9. It is interesting that the Thais care about this particular dog but yet do not care about the hundreds of thousands of sickly, mangy, flee infested soi dogs infesting the rest of Thailand.
  10. "Rule of Law in Thailand," what a joke. Thailand is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
  11. "The degree of absence of self preservation here is astonishing… " Life is cheap in Thailand and the lack of any sense when driving a motorbike in Thailand is proof. What I find amazing is that most foreigners also adopt this very dangerous, careless, nonsensical behavior. Its as if they regress into a pariah outcast mentality when they get on their motorbike.
  12. So true connada, accessing a bank account on a smart phone is a high security risk.
  13. Its about time. People should pay by the pounds they weigh and the space they occupy.
  14. Another day another motorbike death. Only a fool would ride a motorbike in Thailand.
  15. I feel you pain. While not having a bone spur on my knee, I did have one on my big toe that almost prevented me from walking. I resisted at first to have surgery because I heard they grow back at some point. But I went ahead and had the spur removed surgically, not arthroscopic. I had to wear a special medical boot for a month and the healing took a few months before I was able to walk comfortably. It has been about seven years now since my surgery and I am very glad I had it done. I had this done in the States but I would think that Bumrungrad hospital would have best doctors for your procedure. Good luck.
  16. Lowering fares will only make the trains more overcrowded and uncomfortable. I would expect that the quality of this experience to go way down.
  17. You would think that such an expensive phone would meet standards imposed to prevent radiation poisoning. But this is Apple whom has also been implicated of planned obsolescence leading the faithful to upgrade their phone to even more expensive "new and improved" versions.
  18. And I agree, the motorbike sidecars are illegal and very dangerous for their occupants and those driving around them. I have almost hit them a few times. Only a third world country would allow them on the road. But this is Thailand.
  19. An interesting article Alfred E. Newman. I do miss the Spy vs Spy vs Spy cartoons. You would think that at some point the Apple cultists would finally be satisfied with their very expensive iPhones and not shell out so much money for "new and improved" ones however, so very slightly. But that is not what the Apple Company wants as that would hurt them financially. So every September add a little tweak to the existing iPhone and call the faithful to the Apple stores to shell out even more money. At some point, the faithful will realize the ruse and stop the madness.
  20. A fool and his money are soon parted. Proverbs 21:20
  21. So true, and yet these same people live in Thailand in a little 28 square meter dump and drive an old Honda wave 100 with their little tated up girl on the back.
  22. All the Apple Lemmings are excited about a new charge port. The Apple cult never ceases to amaze me on their worship of the their master.
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