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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. It seems that many on this thread have Trump Derangement Syndrome.
  2. Your Honda sounds like a nice car and with a V6, even better. Most of the manufacturers are fazing out the V6 engines, too bad. There are many Honda Thai forums online that discuss your problem and where to go for repair and replacement. They of course are in Thai. If you know a Thai and that you can trust, I would suggest doing some research on these forums. Bangkok has the most qualified mechanics and I have found that Bangkok is cheaper than Pattaya. I have a larger sedan with a V6 engine but not a Toyota. It was suggested to me when I bought this vehicle in Thailand to install a radiator type transmission oil cooler with a fan as Thailand is a very hot climate. So I did and monitor my transmission oil temperature via a gauge inside the vehicle. Good luck. https://www.hybridautocar.com/oil-cooler/ระบบ-hybrid-oil-cooller.html https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2183593198371979&s=15
  3. Interesting, I have never had any problem with Firefox. I use Firefox mainly because it is not Google which I hate with a passion.
  4. The 60's were the best, summer of love, mini skirts, no Aids, very few STDs. Great music, "far out man........"
  5. I have lived in Thailand for over twenty years and I see idiot foreigners on motorbikes everyday.
  6. Amazing what some people are willing to do to save money.
  7. Most foreigners in Thailand drive like idiots even when they can afford helmets. Stupid is as stupid does.
  8. There must be better places to go and see than Pattaya before a potential life altering surgery procedure such as this.
  9. "there is a need for more healthcare specialists and clinics focusing on HIV and STDs" said Dr Chaiwat. So Dr. Chaiwat is admitting that they gays they want to attract are especially infected with HIV and STDs. It's all about money with the Thais, nothing else matters to them.
  10. So very true scuba duba guy. But I would also add that any farang riding a motorbike in Thailand is " low IQ."
  11. These EV cars are death traps and I will never drive them.
  12. Same here, no more COVID cocktail for me.
  13. Motorbikes are the scourge of Thailand and death traps.
  14. Many EV owners suffer from "Range-Anxiety" and worry that they will not make it to their next destination: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jenniferdungs/2022/04/27/suffering-from-ev-range-anxiety-better-start-looking-for-another-phobia/?sh=68fb68093fa1
  15. "What me Worry," as Alfred E. Newman of Mad magazine used to say. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2023/08/16/jd-power-reports-public-ev-charging-station-dissatisfaction/70598930007/
  16. So true and the reason I will never buy a EV auto and have to worry about how fast my battery charges or where to find a battery charging station.
  17. Thailand is a hopelessly corrupt country where English competency is severely lacking. I do not see this changing any time soon. No reason for foreign companies to build and invest in a perfidious country with a lack of law enforcement and ethics.
  18. I think it is difficult for the far left to get beyond the need to impose totalitarian face mask mandates. It has something to do with their need to control the masses.
  19. Meanwhile, they have cut most of the old trees down along Beach Road to build more parking spaces because most of the other side of Beach Road is a parking lot for double parked buses, motorbike rentals, food carts, Song Tows and every other illegal operation.
  20. Luxury in Thailand is anything over 28 square meters room size according to the Thais. In my "luxury" condo building, they turn off the lights in the stairwells at night and shut down one of the elevators to save money. I have complained many times that this is a fire danger but the Thais seem not to care. Life is cheap in Thailand.
  21. I have two of the Minimex CG2 bur grinders that work very well. https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1043864?lang=th
  22. The 1,000 households should sue the Land Department of Thailand which is one of the most corrupt organizations in Thailand.
  23. I wonder why some people think it is necessary to desecrate a countries flag in the name of their perversion.
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