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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. But of course, I love Winnei so much!
  2. I never heard of him but glad that he is in peace now. He must have had a conflicting life trying to pretend that he was a female. It is very sad indeed that he died for such a young man.
  3. Another day, another motorbike death. Riding motorbikes in Thailand are a death wish.
  4. I have this machine also. I had it shipped but it was expensive. I have had other Italian espresso makers but this Breville, in my humble opinion, makes the best espresso, especially the Crema.
  5. Buying real estate in Thailand is a terrible investment. The Thais do not improve and maintain their buildings. Many become slums after twenty years and that is the reason most Thais want to buy new.
  6. So true VBF, Apple is a cult of lemmings trying to stay relevant in a declining society.
  7. According to scientists, During the Cambrian Period, which lasted from 542 million to 485.4 million years ago, some sources estimate that CO2 levels may have been about 20 times higher than today, and temperatures were hotter by 10 degrees Celsius.
  8. Warmest on record? They have only been keeping records for the last few hundred years. The earth is some 4-5 billion years old. Where are the records for those years. Scientists have determined that the antarctic was once a rain forest and what about the ice ages that have only occurred 10,000 years. ago. And all these changes without man's existence. So the climate will continue to change as it always has for billions of years and man can do nothing to stop it.
  9. I started a joke that made the whole world cry!
  10. Thailand is a pathetically corrupt country and this new agency will be another avenue for corruption.
  11. Both bikes are extremely dangerous and anyone who rides a motorbike in Thailand is on a death wish.
  12. Well Bob, I guess you will never know the answer to that question.
  13. My wife inherited 89 Rai of land up north. We paid a farmer to plant it and take care of the land. Come harvest time, all the crops were stolen. What a waste of money and time.
  14. Taylor Swift, she makes me cringe.
  15. I would like to see some new uniforms for the Thai women police.
  16. One thing going for the EV's is that they will keep you warm on a cold night.
  17. I feel mush safer driving a gas automobile with over a hundred years of proven technology improvements.
  18. China also announced that the country has experienced a decrease in both exports and imports and worry about deflation. Has the much anticipated recession finally begun?
  19. It is interesting that the far left has labeled anyone that is slightly to the right of their globalist, socialist ideology as being far. Mighty Rome finally fell to the barbarian German invaders such as the Goths and Vandals. Now socialist Germany is being invaded by the Muslims and Africans and those who want to put a stop to it are labeled as being "far right."
  20. It seems that Bob Smith touched a nerve with some of the posters on this site.
  21. Maybe so, but we still had old sleepy Joe in the 80s and you know how bad that turned out.
  22. Palestine? The West Bank and Gaza Strip are under Israeli control.
  23. Another company on my boycott list, I will put Costa Coffee right under Starbucks. These sick, perverted, debauched companies need to understand that a virtuous society will not support them.
  24. While driving in Thailand, I have often wondered why gangs of Indian men walk down the middle of the street. I have thought that this behavior might be part of their culture. Or perhaps the Indians do not pay much attention to safety. Maybe I think too much.
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