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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. And this explains why the antarctic was once a tropical rain forest?
  2. The sky is falling, the sky is falling......I have to laugh every time I read one of these articles from the climate alarmists. Now we read that July is set to be the worlds warmest on record.......but records have only been kept for maybe hundreds of years but the earth is projected to be 4.5 to 5 billion years old. And new reports keep coming out that the Antarctic was once a tropical rain forest. The current observable sample size (warmest on record) is grossly inaccurate to make any relevant statistical observation and to base one's conclusion on this July's temperature is unethical and deceptive.
  3. Maybe it has something to do with this scripture from the bible: At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; Matthew 11:25
  4. And another reason I will never get a tramp stamp on my body.
  5. I am not a climate change denier but realize that climate records have only been kept for a few hundred years. A drop in the bucket compared to the earths age of perhaps 4.5 - 5 billions years. Our climate has been changing for millions of years. The city that I was born in was once (10,000 years perhaps) buried in two miles thick of ice. According to scientists, the antarctic was once a tropical rain forest. This all occurred without the existence of man. So does anyone want to dispute that it was not a natural cycle?
  6. I do not post in jest, I have 0.00 interest in an electric vehicle.
  7. I have been fully persuaded that I will never own a combustible electric vehicle. I enjoy driving my V6 powered car around Thailand.
  8. I feel much safer in Thailand than the United States under old sleepy Joe.
  9. It seems progressive Pita is rather arrogant. Maybe he learned this at Harvard. Time to "move forward" Pita and get out of the way. Your time is up.
  10. Yes and they comment that the Newsweek article is bias. I guess it is difficult for them to face the truth.
  11. True Fiber Optic is offering twice that speed, I hope you are not paying too much for it.
  12. Thailand has no shame. It's all about money with the Thais, nothing else matters to them. They would invite the devil if they could make money off of him.
  13. I have often thought about returning to my roots in the Netherlands and my ancestral home but this confirms that I made the right decision to stay away.
  14. It is very sad to see the United States flag corrupted by rainbow colors.
  15. So true BritScot, the crazies will use any calamity to proselytize their idea that the sky is falling with global warming. But yet they continue to consume mass quantities of power generated by fossil fuel. It is absurd to think that man can change earth' climate.
  16. Many doctors move around in Thailand from government hospitals to private hospitals and back in just a few days. I found a good doctor at Bumrungrad Hospital that taught medicine at a Bangkok University one day and then to to the local hospitals the next day. What is equally as important as a good doctor is the facilities that a hospital can offer. It is also very important to have very cute nurses on duty...........
  17. Local red shirt supporters making accusations against a former PM while continuing to burn trash, fields and local forests. Progressive Pita or anyone else will not be able to do anything about the pollution coming from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia.
  18. So true h90, a non vote in this case is a no vote. Pita does not have the consensus. Lets hope the senators realize this and have more sense not to elect this progressive to be PM.
  19. Interesting site and I will certainly look into downloading some books on this site. For many years now I have been subscribing to Kindle Unlimited from Amazon. Last year alone I read over 250 books on my Kindle. At this point I would like to expand my selection as it seems I have read many entries that Unlimited has to offer that interest me.
  20. A woke leftist, cannot get any more tawdry than that.
  21. It looks like Hunter has been visiting the White House again. I would suppose that old Joe will try to cover for him once more.
  22. Unfortunately, freedom of speech is a dying form throughout most of the world now. This is evident on many social media sites such as Twitter, Google and others. Emojis are a form of an expression of speech and are not wrong.
  23. I think the Baht is falling because the world is worried that a far left socialist has been elected.
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