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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. says the guy who lives in a glass house... so far "treasonous" is something that lives in your head... it's a side effect of TDS... "rapist"??? link to a source please... again another side effect... Fact Check: Was Donald Trump Found Guilty of Rape? (newsweek.com) Pay (PAT) yourself on the back hero...
  2. What rock have you been living under? That is exactly what is going on...
  3. An article excusing joe of inaction because it would only be a short term fix... well golly... if a pipe is leaking, plug it until you can replace it, don't let it flood everything.
  4. Facts denied doesn't show you anything... in politics... either party... facts denied usually means that there is something there that is not on the up and up.
  5. So you think that in order to love all people... a certain group of those people who crave our love (in this case transgenders) should be allowed to trample the rights of another group (in this case biological women)... that's the weak part of your argument... and it is wrong in it's premise.
  6. Ah... did you have a hard life... get over it... lots of people have had hard lives... If you tend to want to discourage mob violence as you claim then you should put forth some effort and not just rhetoric to quell mobs that really disrupt peoples lives... or do they get the free pass because they (in this case the protestors) are justified and the others (in this case the people trying to get to work) are not... who is the judge and jury as to that?
  7. He's not technically "fishing" for a technicality... he is forcing the democratic party machine to abide by the law as it is written... not make it up as they go along.
  8. And more than 50% of the tourists wouldn't use the bins if they were empty... do you ever people watch?
  9. Check out the source for this hit piece against Tom Cotton and people who are standing up for their rights to live their lives without dealing with the criminal element of "protestors"... at some point in time it is necessary to stand up to these bullies and push back... that time is near.
  10. HAHAHA... typical liberal... all talk and no action... let the nanny state run your life.
  11. The number of verified subscribers posting pro-Nazi material may be significantly more than 150. 150 out of millions... wow...
  12. But obviously your well informed opinions about the USA come from somewhere... HAHAHAHAHA
  13. IO has never questioned anybody elses' Onward flight ticket receipts... they are valid
  14. Yes... and the Hunter Biden laptop information should have been made available also... correct???
  15. Giving advice on rants... how appropriate from the hateful.
  16. OP coming next week... "I was denied entry because I didn't have an onward ticket"... what is wrong with Thailand IO... 555
  17. When Merchan asked the group if they could be fair and impartial, over half said no. At least 50 were let go from the jury pool for that reason.
  18. Which you were provided by OnwardTicket.com... just because you missed it doesn't mean it wasn't provided... always look in "spam" as well as your inbox.
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