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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. And... what's your point... so far you sidestepped the system... let us know how it goes on arrival... ?
  2. ‘The world was safer when Trump was in charge’... So what? We stopped the mean tweets... yeah!
  3. And the chinese government has the betterment of the world as a priority... hahahaha
  4. Why on earth are you drinking "Songkran water"? There are better brands available.
  5. Revoke both of their visas and send the trash back to whence they came... unproked? right!... hey I have some land in Florida that I would like to sell you.
  6. Not really... try to imagine if you can that there is the concept of East and West... East is the Orient... West is everything else. It is not just limited to a geographical location... What Exactly is “Western Culture”? - The Bottom Line UCSB
  7. In the meantime... the bias judge is setting the standard... Merchan emphasized that he won't let the lawyers ask about jurors' voting choices, political contributions or party registration.
  8. It's called "cover your ass" research... the outcome was predetermined and they disregarded all other data except that which supported their claim... good luck America... more to come
  9. Usually right there along with you... the member of the lowest class of aliens and tourists in the world... right?
  10. Much like your argument will be _______________ when he is not???
  11. Being out and about is participation... that's the point.
  12. They won't listen... much like the dems in the USA they are tone deaf to reality.
  13. Just not true... indictments do not require PROOF... convictions require PROOF... and not always then... List of wrongful convictions in the United States... List of wrongful convictions in the United States - Wikipedia
  14. Appointed by a the democrat Garland and told what to do...
  15. "The belief that the political system works against the interests of conservatives also finds considerable support among the public. Nearly half (48 percent) of Americans believe the political system is stacked against conservatives and people with traditional values."... After the Ballots are Counted: Conspiracies, Political Violence, and American Exceptionalism - The Survey Center on American Life (americansurveycenter.org)
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