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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Maybe not to chinese nationals... there is also a risk factor for them if they try.
  2. Maybe not on the chinese internet... they do regulate it you know
  3. What would you have them do... even more than a fair share... you really are a talking head with no brain... here's a novel idea for the tax and spend democrats... quit spending sooo much... Do the Rich Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes? | Progressivity & Redistribution (taxfoundation.org) the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid $616 billion in income taxes... that amounts to 40 percent of all income taxes paid, and a larger share of the tax burden than is borne by the bottom 90 percent of taxpayers combined (who represent about 130 million taxpayers
  4. Why? He was sold on the concept that this festival would be from the 1st til the 21st... he supposed to know that it varies from location to location... whose the first idiot?
  5. "America’s fiscal outlook is more dangerous and daunting than ever, threatening our economy and the next generation," said Michael Peterson, the CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation that advocates for reducing the federal deficit. "This is not the future any of us want, and it’s no way to run a great nation like ours."
  6. This comment from the TDS trust fund baby... the op is about the rhino Johnson
  7. Yeah... join the other jealous beeches on this forum... they also hate to see anyone make money.
  8. Typical forum posters victim blaming... dang... if only the girls weren't going to temple (as it was implied by one poster) then this never would have happened.
  9. Unlike your hero joe... who also had deferments when he was asked to serve but has been living off the tit of American taxpayers for 50 years... and has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision in that span. I'm sure the military has plenty to say about him as well... especially after the Afghanistan debacle.
  10. It's in chompers mind... he has an answer for every problem in the world and all of them are chomper biased
  11. And as usual you believe all that the cover up wants you to believe... who's right with their facts... was it her account or not... if it was then trumps is correct if it wasn't... where did the post come from? She claims that she deleted the account years ago... easily proven... ps... it was twitter at that time run by the liberal left
  12. Maybe your "facts" are only yours and not the real story...
  13. Go back to school and pay attention... then you would have a more expanded vocabulary... maybe.
  14. If you were current which you tend to lag behind... there are plenty of pension plans that will be broke by 2028... just google "bad investing by pension plans"... it is going to be worse than 2008 when so many funds went belly up... https://www.cnn.com › 2022 › 07 › 14 › investing › pensions-markets-unfunded › index.html
  15. As usual... two of the Haters show that they are confused with the facts.
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