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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Says allot about you as a husband... doesn't it!
  2. Unlike other countries right??? It is no longer a crime to steal or shoplift in the blue states of the USA if it is under $1000... no bail release for crimes are not even reported as crimes... Garbage In - Garbage Out... the reports mean nothing.
  3. She has got it WONG... totally wiping hamas out is the only solution to the terror and hate in that region of the middle east... nothing else should even be in the offing.
  4. The Hateful must be asleep or avoiding this thread... they are wigging out that trump is proven to be correct once again... joe has been a failure.
  5. A great opportunity to Thai bash... don't miss it... only a Thai would do this because they are so corrupt.
  6. AI defined... GARBAGE IN - GARBAGE OUT... as proven recently by google.
  7. How It Started ... How It's Going: Inflation-adjusted hourly wages lower today than when Biden took office
  8. Ah... so you hate that he has money... so sad... did you read the article or are you happy being ignorant?
  9. It's your party that keeps bringing it up... perhaps send them a memo
  10. This just in... NPR editor rebukes own outlet's coverage of Hunter Biden laptop, COVID lab leak and Russiagate | Fox News
  11. First off... you haven't earned the right to refer to me as "dude"... secondly... though I doubt that you will read the NPR report in the source provided below because of the blinders that you choose to wear... but... eventually you and the other haters on here will learn the real fact about your hero joe and his family and the manipulation of you all for the sake of the party... NPR editor rebukes own outlet's coverage of Hunter Biden laptop, COVID lab leak and Russiagate | Fox News
  12. Inflation-adjusted hourly wages lower today than when Biden took office
  13. This just in...Inflation-adjusted hourly wages lower today than when Biden took office
  14. HAHA... obviously you have never seen the landfilling that goes on in Asia... they move mountains.
  15. Let's see... I am a nicotine addict and chain smoke... I am going to be on a plane for x hours... what is the penalty for breaking the law if I smoke on the plane... 20,000 baht (apx 500 euro)... I'm ok with that so I go ahead and smoke... better than jonesing right. And you think that only Thais are corrupt... this is what happens throughout the world when the deterrent (punishment) is not severe enough to deter this kind of behavior.
  16. If the prostitutes are factored out the number drops from 10.6 to 1.6... what a stupid way to categorize people of the world... but then again most forum members wouldn't click on it if it weren't done this way.
  17. Give her a break... she was on her way to a "Save The Planet" rally.
  18. Smoke from forest fires blankets northern Thailand in thick pollution By Kocha Olarn and Heather Chen, CNN BUT please continue talking from your position of ignorance. The heavy smoke in Chiang Mai is mostly from the local fires set in the surrounding mountains... https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/05/asia/chiang-mai-air-pollution-thailand-intl-hnk/index.html
  19. Trump would accept that california residents want to continue to murder the unborn... doesn't mean that he would be ok with murdering... there's a difference between being ok with something and accepting that others are not... the liberal left cannot wrap their linear minds around this... to them everything is their way or else.
  20. Funny that the scotish minister who crafted their hate speech law is muslim... that would explain allot
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