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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. The link was provided twice in other posts... you are just tooooo lazy
  2. You insist on calling out Israelis for their oppression yet it is the palestinians by proxy and hamas who continued to wage their war from the bunkers that they built under hospitals and schools... since biblical times it has been the same... when do the muslims stop being terrorists and haters in this world???
  3. Nor does it fit well with muslims and their compromising of al jazeera as a terrorist rag...
  4. UH... where's the "IDIOT" emoji when you need it.
  5. HAHAHA... I spilled my coffee over that one!!!
  6. Take one sentence out of the quote and google it... it will provide all the links that you need... typical
  7. Actually it has been proven that there are no humans in australia... so no.
  8. Actually it got in the way of the pop up ads on the right side... that's a big no no
  9. After the muslims kill off the jews and the christians the world will be at peace... RIGHT!?
  10. One hopes that when this election is over those that are currently conspiring and preventing a lawful election will be held accountable... "Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg should turn himself in to authorities for impersonating an honest lawyer"
  11. AND... according to one poster... even the underage girls know what they are doing so it's not human trafficking.
  12. This is your economic leader... "The U.S. government can't go bankrupt, because we can print our own money," Bernstein says in the video. He was then asked by the interviewer, "Like you said, they print the dollar, so why does the government even borrow?" Bernstein's reply seems to indicate uncertainty – at best – about monetary policy. "Again, some of this stuff gets – some of the language and concepts are just confusing. The government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what they do? They sell bonds, yeah, they sell bonds. Right? Since they sell bonds, and people buy the bonds, and lend them the money," Bernstein replied.
  13. "Well, Trump was actually already president for 4 years and his policies bore no resemblance to those of Hitler, so this makes no sense. In fact, with the Abraham Accords, he made some progress towards peace in the Middle East, which was definitely not high on Hitler’s agenda."... Elon Musk.
  14. Send him back to the USA and blacklist him... let joe sort it out. 5555555
  15. Typical TDS patient response... the OP is concerning joe and his mishandling of the riots on university campuses... try to pay attention
  16. Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg should turn himself in to authorities for impersonating an honest lawyer
  17. Sorry... reading comprehension is not your forte I see.
  18. Your hero deniro has never done one thing for America... his son didn't even like him.
  19. I say the landlord is the winner here... 555555
  20. There is your solution right there in your own words... you were happy to skip the TM30 requirement because IO's weren't concerned... but it was still a requirement... you couldn't be bothered... the cost of 500 baht is nothing compared to the cost of being "found out" for non compliance for 4 years so pay it and shut up... now you want to make it the landlord's "duty" and are willing to break your lease and forfeit the 2 month's security deposits... sounds like neither you nor your landlord have very good communication skills.
  21. Sounds like something that you would do...
  22. I have 2 properties that I lease out and have always returned the security deposits of leasees who fulfilled their end of the lease agreement... so GO POUND SAND with your lies.
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