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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. You do know that whose fault it is has little to do with resolving the problem...
  2. I see that you still refuse to take your meds... you have a serious case of TDS... Thai Derangement Syndrome
  3. Obviously you do not or is it cannot read your own countries bbc...
  4. Spoken like a true simple 1... chart the trend to a more conservative outlook throughout the world while you sit and guzzle your tear beer.
  5. You explained in detail... I was vaguely referring to the constant whiners who are indignant that they now have to follow the rules more stringently... I personally have never had a problem with immigration.
  6. Not a popular guy with you brits is he??? HAHAHAHA... for a non world leader he has your panties in a wad...
  7. State of the Union: Bill Clinton warned about immigration overwhelming 'every place' in America back in 1995 In 1995, Clinton said he would crack down on illegal crossings and deport migrants who have commited crimes... joe is failing his hero.
  8. So now you are also the best source on who and who isn't a world leader... sad
  9. Yes... but nothing requires it to be direct conversation from her to you... she can simply put out her hand and have the amphur hand her the document to sign... she simply has to be present at the amphur to do that... she can even request that she be allowed a separate room or area if she really does not want any contact with you at all... sorry... just move on... you seem to think that communication only comes in one form... it comes in many.
  10. Link please... I think that you have confused yourself... the story was conservative canadians moving to russia.
  11. It requires both parties to agree... draw it up and have her sign it... unfortunately for you she does not have to talk to you in order to do that
  12. Hungary's Orbán to meet with Trump, not Biden, on visit to US courting foreign policy https://www.foxnews.com/world/hungarys-orban-meet-trump-not-biden-visit-us-courting-foreign-policy
  13. IT'S their country... I guess they can run it how they want... however the fact remains that Finger pointing at others in order to justify one's actions is juvenile... that's what johnny does on the schoolyard... and basing the punishment for committing a crime on what other people are doing is so "woke equity thinking" that it is utterly ridiculous...
  14. While the utopian plan would be to administer the law equally throughout the world... the reality is it is ridiculous to excuse any crime based on "look what johnny's doing"... finger pointing is stupid and accomplishes nothing.
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