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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Actually the masks help filter the PM2.5 effectively... so masks for the right reason might be a good thing.
  2. Yes... joe and the liberal left are all for murdering the unborn.
  3. Anything trump does is uphill... but what is legal prosecution and what is contrived will soon be decided... he should just plead that he forgot that he was not the "incumbent"... that's what joe would do.
  4. Has anyone found the original post with the real picture... this forum is notorious for posting any stock photo with a story... if he indeed were stealing coca-cola no matter what the cost that is not the right thing to do... if it was helping himself to some water than he should have asked first, but that good behavior is not being taught anymore.
  5. Establishes in law that any incumbent Presidential records (whether textual or electronic) held on courtesy storage by the Archivist remain in the exclusive legal custody of the President and that any request or order for access to such records must be made to the President, not NARA.
  6. Florida has sent a law to the governor which will ban social media to the 16 and under crowd... the haters in the liberal left are frothing at the bit
  7. BANS never work... their hearts are in the right place, but more than a ban is needed. It is sad to witness the moral decay that the liberal left has brought to the USA... their mind set is flawed with the expectation that total disregard for civilized law will be freeing in itself... yet they are the very ones who commit the crimes against society on a regular basis.
  8. What???!!! and destroy what seems to be the right of Thais to be loud and obnoxious... who doesn't love to fall asleep to the beat of the same music played at top volume over and over again... it puts everyone in a trance. Not to mention the reduced sales of 10,000 watt amps and speakers that can be set up anywhere anytime
  9. From what you wrote here they should definitely up the requirements for English teachers if you are representative of such.
  10. Hahahahaha... He who bandies with a fool is a fool... just a thought... you clicked on it.
  11. Must be a tough life when everything is to the right of where you stand...
  12. So he is Thai but barely speaks Thai... he is entitled to the gov't medical care as bad as it is... his choice.
  13. TDS at it again... it's a disease and they just can't help themselves... 555
  14. Yeah... the consequences of failure to provide for his own well being... whether it be savings... investments... health insurance... he can't stand feeling like the stupid ignorant old man that he created.
  15. And this years "Darwinski" goes to Walker88... this is a historic repeat performance... but well deserved.
  16. "In a landmark decision, the courts have mandated rehabilitation plans for these young offenders and their guardians." So 1 in 10 of these offenders will change their behavior... that's the success rate of this kind of program.
  17. As if it hasn't been going on forever in every community in the world... were you the same bully as a child that you are now?
  18. If I post a source... which is available to anybody who is smart enough to use google... will you read it or do the usual liberal left turn and just deride the source? That's the problem with the forum rule on sources... it becomes about your OPINION ABOUT the source... "So you have an opinion and stick to it, no matter what"... right?
  19. I have solar AND I do NOT burn... I recycle by giving all of it to the lady that works in the neighborhood so she can make a decent living... My point was that if everyone adopts the position that their "little burn" is ok because they have "offsets" then you continue to have thousands contributing to the smoke problem... Going "green" is all or nothing... it cannot be about "offsets" as it does nothing to solve the smoke problem... how can Thailand ever become smoke free with that kind of attitude?
  20. "This unprecedented surge in illegal immigration isn't an accident. It is the result of deliberate policy choices by the Biden administration," said Eric Ruark, Director of Research for Numbers USA, a nonprofit that advocates for immigration restrictions.
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