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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Misinformation has become a part of life... funny how when fact checked liberal left media has more retractions than conservative right media...
  2. What has that got to do with it... I don't understand the question... if you mean me as a man giving birth is not possible no matter what the liberal left thinks... if you mean as a father of children the number is not relevant.
  3. If Idaho citizens choose to not condone murder then the OBGYNs who do the murdering should be free to move... oh wait they are and good riddance. The remaining OBGYNs will adapt and quality medical treatment will prevail.
  4. hahaha... so typical of someone who cannot read the whole article and just looks at the pictures... "you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink"
  5. Right... 555 democrats look at everything as an incitement to violence... except the real violence... ie BLM just to name one. Believe it or not there is much wisdom in the proverbial... "sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you" unless you want them to and let them.
  6. Whether or not there is a benefit to society in using the N word in public or marching down the street yelling "jews will not replace us" is not relevant... where would the good or bad qualifiers for speech come from and where would it stop? Just because Australians don't believe their free speech rights are impinged... doesn't mean it isn't true... denial doesn't changed the definition. If it's a matter of civility why does there have to be censorship... after all the public from both sides of the spectrum are totally civil... oh wait... neither side is and it is usually the side that perceives a threat to their agenda who calls for censorship. Tolerance is usually not their forte.
  7. That is true... "you cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theater... however that is not the topic here... members here are advocating for others (mostly republicans who disagree with democrat policy) to not be allowed to voice their disagreement in terms that might be offensive to the democrats... heaven forbid
  8. Because nobody would read it... that's the media for you.
  9. So the lawmakers are the censors with the courts enforcement of "proper" speech... not free speech.
  10. So as long as they say the right things it's OK... no disagreeing. So in your country there is not really free speech... more like acceptable speech... relying on the censors to determine what can and cannot be said.
  11. And I lay the blame directly on the demoncratic party who could not present and pass a "clean" bill but had to attach a $118 billion dollar border bill as a political ploy to fool Americans into believing that they cared about the chaos at the border.
  12. So anyone who has a different opinion than yours should just keep their mouth shut... yes, the intolernt left is alive
  13. So it is confirmed that aussies are bigger dicks than brits... hard to believe.
  14. So 58 doctors stopped murdering in Idaho and decided to go elsewhere for the money... One was heard mumbling "f the Hippocratic oath"
  15. Garbage in... Garbage out. For those that believe that AI is capable of thinking for itself... NO!
  16. So many opposed to a company who turned around their financial woes... made their first profit since 2013... so much for the support of free enterprise... 555
  17. Because it is the right of Thais to park on the right of way anytime that they get hungry and need nourishment
  18. Probably by restricting their use in schools... the phones do more damage than guns and guns are restricted... 555
  19. Educate yourself just a little... Surgical Masks Surprisingly Effective Against PM2.5 – Smart Air (smartairfilters.com)
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