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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. PLUS... the democrats want to be able to kill the unborn and at the same time they pander to the pregnant woman for their vote by working on legislation to make killing of the unborn fetus murder if it is done during the commission of a crime... how hypocritical is that??? Is Killing Pregnant Woman a Double Murder? - ABC News (go.com)
  2. One idiot has come out from under the ether... many to join him soon... Fareed Zakaria admitted on his show Sunday that the felony charges brought against former President Trump in New York over falsifying business records appear politically motivated. "I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump," Zakaria said. The CNN host argued that the trial against Trump guarantees to "keep him in the spotlight" and "infuriate his base."
  3. Exploding heads of trump bashers causing major pollution... Trump addresses thousands of supporters at massive New Jersey rally
  4. Maher highlighted his 2018 interview with Daniels, pointing out what she told him was quite different than what she said in the courtroom
  5. Why are you compelled to say anti anything other than anti terror and hate... then apply that parameter to the instigators... no matter who they are.
  6. Yes... that is the problem... they flee what they have built because they don't like it... and then turn around and rebuild the same failed system where they relocate... definition of insanity personified.
  7. Excuses by you or obama or the hateful terroristic muslims does not excuse why something bad happened... by not calling out the perpetrators for the "bad happening" is in itself support for allowing the bad to happen.
  8. Yes... if only all the jews would "die" all would be right with the world... whether the muslims or you believe this is immaterial... it is flawed in sooo many ways... who's the next victim on the muslim hate and terror program... they already have declared women... LBGQT... jews... christians... as threats to them and they must be eliminated... just maybe all white atheists are next.
  9. In summary: Another think coming is the older of the two, dating in use to the mid-19th century, and originated in British English. Another thing coming appears to have come about in American English several decades later, probably as a result of confusion regarding the original phrase. So you see that you came about out of confusion...
  10. You are so late to this party... try reading the whole thing before you chime in.
  11. It's causing a shortage of murderers of the unborn you mean... good things are happening.
  12. That would be one more than you... PS... It is "another think coming"
  13. This is Thailand... there is no translation for "routine" or "preventative" maintenance... never was never will be... When queried, the airline's management confessed to an initial ignorance.
  14. As expats for whatever reason is why they moved... why are they not free to choose where? You did...
  15. Why are Americans fleeing the West Coast for this deep red state? Freedom and friendliness
  16. I doubt that you have ever been there... I have and it is a dump... Political unrest, corruption and chronic economic problems have plagued its fragile democracy since it emerged from the 35-year dictatorship of the Alfredo Stroessner in 1989.
  17. You are going to confuse them with the math... 555... List of countries by number of public holidays - Wikipedia
  18. TDS much? This op is concerning hunter biden... has nothing to do with trump... typical schoolyard rant... you haters just can't help yourselves... PSSST... these are not simple charges... these are felonies.
  19. Six... if you count the children... hardly a flock... the flocks are deserting blue cities and states
  20. I agree... you don't think... Much like your hero joe... "President Trump withheld Congressionally appropriated aid to Ukraine unless they granted him a political favor," Biden tweeted as a candidate in 2019 about the impeachment push against Trump over a phone call with Ukraine that Democrats claimed was a "quid pro quo." "It's the definition of quid pro quo. This is no joke—Trump continues to put his own personal, political interests ahead of the national interest. He must be impeached."
  21. You and your ilk are the ones who do NOT understand the concept... https://link.springer.com › article › 10.1007 › s10508-018-1371-8 Consent, Coercion, and Culpability: Is Prostitution ... - Springer Prostitution will never be recognized as sexual abuse until the cash transaction integral to it is identified as coercive by its nature.
  22. Or this just in... Inflation was just 1.4% when Biden came into office. It grew to 9.1% in June 2022, 17 months later
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