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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. That right there completely explains your warped point of view... 555555
  2. It's from the takeover of Hamilton Hall at Columbia... Smashed windows, piled furniture left after occupation of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University (nbcnews.com) Her is the same window after the rioter got done...
  3. She hates him because she owes him money... $300,000 left of total $560,000... Why is everyone giving her a free pass for her transgressions?
  4. This personifies stormy and the rest of the haters on here who cannot help themselves recover from TDS... "When the witness hates the person whose liberty is at stake, that’s a big d--- deal!" Honig said. "And she’s putting out tweets, fantasizing about him being in jail. That really undermines the credibility."
  5. All you have to do is google it and then you can be up to date and move beyond your denial...
  6. This just in... it's all falling apart for the dim dems... Blue state pol who backed law enabling Trump suit now says it's 'unconstitutional' amid rape claim New York State Sen Kevin Parker voted for the 2021 Adult Survivors Act
  7. This personifies stormy and the rest of the haters on here who cannot help themselves recover from TDS... "When the witness hates the person whose liberty is at stake, that’s a big d--- deal!" Honig said. "And she’s putting out tweets, fantasizing about him being in jail. That really undermines the credibility."
  8. Daniels 'may have done damage to the prosecution’s case,' CNN justice reporter says
  9. So democrat legal "experts" are all credible and republican legal experts are all bias... correct???
  10. Nope... unlike you... I am defending the right of every American citizen to have a FAIR TRIAL no matter how many times he or she (notice only 2 choices) tweets stupid mean tweets and hurts your feelings.
  11. The House Committee on Small Business subpoenaed the Small Business Administration on Tuesday over what it says is a lack of transparency on alleged efforts by the Biden administration to funnel resources to a key swing state to register voters in a move they say could be unconstitutional.
  12. A product of India who was given naturalized citizenship and lived in that great area of the USA overrun by liberals... Washington and Oregon... in and out of their courts regularly...
  13. I do not know where you are from but if you are from a country with a climate similar to where you are now... ie. Southern Florida... I can guarantee that your cost of running an air conditioner is less than half as much here in Thailand... 7000baht ($200) is cheap! The average window air conditioner uses 900 watts of energy per hour, while a central air conditioning unit can use upward of 3,000 watts per hour on hot days. At the average utility rate of 10 cents per kilowatt-hour, a central AC unit can add as much as 3500 baht to your monthly utility bill. Get the A/C cleaned and serviced every year and learn to live at 27 to 28 degrees C... Add a fan in the room to help circulate the air... Set the auto fan feature instead of the fan speed feature and the unit's fan will only run when the unit is cooling.
  14. The average "built into the wall" air conditioner uses 900 watts of energy per hour, while a central air conditioning unit can use upward of 3,000 watts per hour on hot days. At the average utility rate of 10 cents per kilowatt-hour, a central AC unit can add as much as $90 to your monthly utility bill. In other words...
  15. "I used to try cases for a living. I still have a pretty good sense of what evidence is relevant, what is prejudicial and what is completely over-the-top inadmissible. What the judge is letting in today in the Trump trial in NYC will be remembered as a dark stain on our judicial system, reminiscent of corrupt dictatorships. Shame on the prosecution for undermining our judicial system," David Friedman, a lawyer and former U.S. ambassador to Israel during the Trump administration, posted on X.
  16. I didn't really expect that you would understand either... 555
  17. Chomper and spider are confused... who would have thought... 555
  18. More appeal fodder to come... this just in... Ex-top Biden DOJ official now prosecuting Trump was once paid by DNC for 'political consulting'
  19. You mean this guy??? Ex-top Biden DOJ official now prosecuting Trump was once paid by DNC for 'political consulting'
  20. If you are a biological male and want to think that you are a woman go ahead but only if you go all the way... NO dicks in the womens' restroom or sports.
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