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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. The number of people who simply cannot or will not work within the system in place used to amaze me... now it just saddens me. You are the ones responsible for your visa situation and it is your responsibility to keep it up to date, yet invariably when an IO doesn't do it your way you complain about them... The requirements are getting stricter and stricter because there are so many of you that cannot or do not work with the system... you game it rather than just follow the rules... then you complain.
  2. Besides being more expensive bottled water only contributes to the single use plastic issue that is currently plaguing environments around the planet... yet the majority of "evironmentalists" still drink it. They will argue forever about climate change and evs and the other harmful things going on as they go out and buy bottled water... 55555
  3. Alcohol use: Weighing risks and benefits - Mayo Clinic Examples of one drink include: Beer: 12 fluid ounces (355 milliliters) Wine: 5 fluid ounces (148 milliliters) Distilled spirits (80 proof): 1.5 fluid ounces (44 milliliters)
  4. It's not so much humans living where they shouldn't... it's more that they do not well manage the environment that they move into... Infrastructure never properly developed.
  5. Hanaguma... You have proven once again that using logic and facts cannot sway the Hateful 8 from their stance... Trump lives in their heads rent free and they are blinded by the hate... it is sad
  6. 555... that's not what you said... You said that muscle weighs more than fat which is a completely false statement... so I venture that you're not the brightest. And actually the difference between them is approximately 15 - 20 percent not three times... again your not the brightest, using your words.
  7. Newsom??? He has led the charge of California going down the toilet. Kelley will never be accepted by the democraptic party in crowd...which is too bad... he is too independent in his thinking
  8. This will be enforced exactly as the carry on baggage rules...
  9. One pound of muscle is exactly the same weight as one pound of fat... one pound...
  10. Oh sorry... It was an inquiry not an argument... don't be so offended.
  11. First of all.. it is xenophobia. Secondly... Thailand may be smart when it comes to NOT opening up to immigrants en masse thus creating a problem far worse than a reduction in populace... being mindful of nationality is not xenophobic
  12. If I show you how to insert a mushroom plug without a special tool what will you do in return? It can and has been done before...
  13. Again... people who live in glass houses should not cast stones... Australia has a severe race problem
  14. As opposed to yours... people who live in glass houses should not cast stones!
  15. From what I read here... it is bad to use an agent for something that you can do yourself... must be a miserable life not having enough money to spend on luxury items.
  16. Yes he is... and we all know the rest of the HATEFUL 8 Gang as well
  17. Sorry I assumed that one would be smart enough to know how to insert a plug into a tire without any special tool... obviously I was wrong in your case... so you best buy a kit to carry with you.
  18. The term "impeachment" is commonly used to mean removing someone from office, but it actually refers only to the filing of formal charges. So the dems filed formal charges twice and failed TWICE... just as I stated.
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