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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. I would but it hasn't ever happened... it does not count when you are responsible for policies that increase price then adjust your wrong policies in order to lower the price... but it is still a higher price than it was before you policied it up... and the fact that you accept that fact is sad... sad for America... sad for Americans.
  2. Excuseism 101... pretty soon Joe will say building the wall was his idea... 555
  3. You are a sad sack... that's not a solution... Trump was dumped... Joe won... what has he done... what is the plan for moving out of the abyss that he has perpetuated... what has he built to better the lives of Americans???
  4. The Hateful 8 once again with the hate but no solutions... they have committed to the sinking ship of the liberal left
  5. First question... why are you crossing a highway like that which is unsafe from many perspectives... isn't there a crossover just down the way from there? Secondly... speeding cars and motorcycles will always win and even with stricter policing will continue to be a menace. Thirdly... I hope that the person who fled the scene is caught.
  6. Organization is not a Thai forte... they insist on inventing their own wheel instead of learning from others... it's a cultural process and hopefully not too many people die in the meantime.
  7. The gang's all here today (The Hateful 8)... crying because their poster girl was told to vacate an office space that she no longer qualified for... real tears.
  8. You are so sad... the precedent is that that office is to go to the preceding house speaker... she no longer qualified... what's the problem?
  9. And the beat goes on... hahaha... don't you have a constructive hobby?
  10. As usual from you... WRONG... but why research when you can just blabber.
  11. Sensationalism from a liberal left rag... they are known for it so it's ok
  12. Stupid much... you do realize that you will get more baht in exchanging money and that the gain plus some will be eaten up by higher prices... inflation will always outpace the currency.
  13. Trans-phobia and Trump-phobia... plenty of overt hatred to go around.
  14. They are smarter than you give them credit for... the appeal will come over the fact that the statute is unconstitutional and was used by the DA to be punitive... the legal system in the USA is convoluted and perverse.
  15. "this information from some garbage dump of a website"... oh yeah... it's was picked up on cnn after snopes sourced it.
  16. Trumps attorney didn't "forget" but was never given the choice by law... "I have to address this one common misconception in the press, and unfortunately it just keeps getting repeated, which is that we have this great option to have a box checked for a jury. No, we didn't have that. That's not how this works. They brought it under Section 63(12), which is a very narrow, not appropriately used section of the law, which is for consumer protections, not this. And that is why we're sitting here in front of a judge." Go ahead and read the statute...
  17. Sounds like a democrap in the USA... after all those guns have a life of their own.
  18. When the blue cities that happen to be in red states are reassigned to the blue side... every one of your individual "statistics" is wrong... you are misinformed at best... or just plain blind at worst.
  19. "the jury is still out" is a colloquialism in this case... There was no box to tick as you say... the DA chose to prosecute under a statute that does not allow for one to select whether or not you want a jury...
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