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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. First of all.. it is xenophobia. Secondly... Thailand may be smart when it comes to NOT opening up to immigrants en masse thus creating a problem far worse than a reduction in populace... being mindful of nationality is not xenophobic
  2. If I show you how to insert a mushroom plug without a special tool what will you do in return? It can and has been done before...
  3. Again... people who live in glass houses should not cast stones... Australia has a severe race problem
  4. As opposed to yours... people who live in glass houses should not cast stones!
  5. From what I read here... it is bad to use an agent for something that you can do yourself... must be a miserable life not having enough money to spend on luxury items.
  6. Yes he is... and we all know the rest of the HATEFUL 8 Gang as well
  7. Sorry I assumed that one would be smart enough to know how to insert a plug into a tire without any special tool... obviously I was wrong in your case... so you best buy a kit to carry with you.
  8. The term "impeachment" is commonly used to mean removing someone from office, but it actually refers only to the filing of formal charges. So the dems filed formal charges twice and failed TWICE... just as I stated.
  9. You mean like the two failed impeachments against Trump by the dems??? Right?
  10. I don't know about Australia but in order to import a car into the USA there are some serious restrictions that must be met first... including but not limited to EPA, road worthiness, safety regulations (ie. bumper height for one)... so it is not certainly they can be imported.
  11. I have wasted my morning reading the responses here... conclusion... NO Matter What or Who... You Cannot Reason With "The HATEFUL 8"
  12. This story stinks... there is something missing from your submission to the IO... but let's bash the IO because they are corrupt and nasty people... 55555
  13. Yes..."everything is Trump's fault"... my question is why hasn't it improved... actually people are spending more for less now... Gas prices aren't the only rising expense drivers had to contend with in August; auto insurance also increased. Car insurance rose 2.4% in August, following a 2% increase the month prior, according to the CPI. Car insurance rates had already risen 17% in the first six months of 2023 and costs are set to soar another 4% by year-end, according to a recent Insurify survey. The national average cost of a car insurance policy is $1,668, representing about 2.4% of the average household income. With the additional increase, the average annual auto insurance price will rise to $1,742 by the end of 2023.
  14. Why not... everything else is his fault according to the Hateful 8
  15. You did not read or comprehend the article... "The parents asked the foreign man to give them 1 million baht as a dowry, half of which would go to his fiancée after the wedding ceremony and the other half would be kept by the parents for safekeeping"
  16. This is not about citizenship... it is about moving to a foreign country and objecting to their culture... hopefully he is on a plane back to the USA and will reconsider his maturity level in accepting that the rest of the world does not march to his distant drummer...
  17. 555... if you could only interpret your own graph...
  18. Just not true... Trump raised oil production from 9,000bpd to 13,000bpd... Biden is at 11,200bpd... but then again I haven't adjusted for the democraptic math formula...
  19. I don't believe you... you are Canadian... your countries reputation precedes you... 555
  20. Just never arrive when it is raining or meal time... Grab, Bolt, taxis, etc all disappear... 555
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