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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. What are you rambling on about? You... "He could say agents do not often do non o for marriage and again call you a fool for commenting about what you do not know." Me... "My agent has always done my non o for marriage... no problems"
  2. Real median household income declined from $76,330 in 2021 to $74,580 in 2022, a 2.3% drop. That marked the third straight year of decline... this is from your democraps.
  3. My agent has always done my non o for marriage... no problems
  4. The system registered that you had onward flight... didn't really care when it was... maybe a glitch, maybe not... my guess is that you were not traveling visa exempt, but were on a reentry.
  5. Tell the rest of the story... she intentionally wrecked because they were having a "spat"... it wasn't about speeding.
  6. You are right... you don't "need" an agent... but it is wonderful to be able to afford such a luxury and not worry one iota about the often ambiguous nature of Thai IO's... try it sometime.
  7. She should know better than to lean on posts.. this is all her fault, now someone will be called to lose face over shoddy wiring... and have to apologize and give her 200 baht
  8. It seems as though brakes in Thailand are of very poor quality... every other crash of which there are many is due to the brakes failing... it would be wise of the Thai's to buy better brakes.
  9. WOW... the HATEFUL 8 are all over this story... they are so blinded by their hate they can't even admit that their wallets are lighter under Bidenomics... 5555555
  10. It didn't need to... your onward booking was in the system... computers do sometimes streamline the process... try it with no onward booking and you will be denied boarding.
  11. That's all you got... just calling me a fool... sounds like you are self projecting.
  12. That is because the "far right" or "maga hats" or whatever you choose to call them are not delving into the persecution tactics that the liberal left and the Hateful 8 have used now for years... let me remind you that NEITHER man has been found guilty of anything as of yet... but Trump has been persecuted relentlesly. Even you can see the difference... I would hope.
  13. I would be... I am merely pointing out the duplicity of the liberal left and the Hateful 8 when it comes to prosecuting criminals regardless of their political party and the persecution during the process.
  14. So based on your logic... Trump must really be doing something right... considering the hate and vitriol coming from the liberal left and the Hateful 8.
  15. Same could and should be said about Trump... without all the hate and vitriol... why the change of heart?
  16. Part B Medicare is only good in the USA... it will not cover you in Thailand... I was using it as a reference figure about the price of insurance being too high... double check that $2000 a month figure... that's higher than any private plan that I have ever encountered anywhere... maybe it was a typo and should have been $200 a month or $2000 a year... I am in my late 70"s and pay $3000 a year for decent coverage here in Thailand.
  17. And they are too broke to use an agent... sounds like poor planning...
  18. You are bitching about the way things are... it is well known that rules change at the whim of IO... so plan further ahead or be prepared to be denied.
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