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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. "We actually need much higher interest rates. The problem is we can't afford them. So any interest rate high enough to fight inflation is too high for the markets. And in fact, not only does the Fed create a recession. But it creates a financial crisis, and that financial crisis will be considerably worse than the one we had in 2008,"
  2. "We actually need much higher interest rates. The problem is we can't afford them. So any interest rate high enough to fight inflation is too high for the markets. And in fact, not only does the Fed create a recession. But it creates a financial crisis, and that financial crisis will be considerably worse than the one we had in 2008,"
  3. Obviously has no understanding of covert coercion... the mere fact that Yas was a teacher and the pictures are of students shows coercion... but it takes a moral society to understand this principle.
  4. "I hope that they go to court and charge you the full amount of your LEASE CONTRACT... your obligation doesn't just end when you decide to move out." Where do I say that you can't terminate a lease before the end... the "LEASE CONTRACT" would determine when it could be cancelled and what penalties would apply... SO give your head a shake mate... 555
  5. I would like to read your contract and look over the billings that you got for what kind of repairs... you may or may not have grounds to pursue damages against the homeowner and agent... if you do you can recover the damages along with the expense of an attorney... doing it the correct way is the key.
  6. I am a Thailand landlord and have first hand experience... but it doesn't matter who or where a person is, it still says allot about what a person is by how they handle their obligations in life... you strike me as the type of person who has no qualms about just running away... probably have never had a personal stake in anything worthwhile.
  7. You are assuming that the landlord in this situation falls under this particular situation as regards this aspect of the law... my guess is that they do not as the lessee stated that his contract says nothing. However if is so stated in his contract, as you are completely guessing that it is, then pay your rent and give the proper 30 days notice and move out by all means... if not than negotiate an acceptable move out package... or be held accountable. So be sure to know what you are talking about before calling someone else ignorant...
  8. Whether (deleted) happens or not... it says allot about a person on how they honor their obligations in life... walking away is a cop out at best... working out an agreement is what mature people do.. Your (deleted) is not other peoples to deal with.
  9. Be sure that the gas cap is screwed on tightly after every gas up... it's the number 1 fault code for the engine light.
  10. Let's make it easier for the scammers from China to come to Thailand and set up their call centers...
  11. While you hate mongers are salivating over the 14th amendment... read the 5th amendment as well...
  12. I hope that they go to court and charge you the full amount of your LEASE CONTRACT... your obligation doesn't just end when you decide to move out.
  13. Could be a luxury apartment building... after all every motel in Thailand is a resort.
  14. You are not required to read our replies... just ignore and all will be good... grow up.
  15. Another chance for the gov't and RTP to set things in the right path to lawfulness... it will most likely be squandered
  16. There is no real standard one type fits all... each office that you are dealing with has it's own specific requirements and while they may overlap in form may have small differences... it would help to know why you need the POA
  17. Depends on whether or not it is a "special" POA or a "general" POA
  18. Entering Thailand for a USA citizen "visa exempt" as of "right now" it is set at 30 days... in December it may well be reset to 45 days but no one knows
  19. So you admit your failure... why can't young people today write a coherent sentence or spell and punctuate properly?
  20. most likely weed and meth... but I beg the question why this woman thinks that it is ok to rent out her villa in a residential housing area as a daily rental for parties... I hope that it gets completely trashed one day
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